24 August 2010 Performance measures in acousto-optic chaotic signal encryption system subject to parametric variations and additive noise
Monish R. Chatterjee, Anjan K. Ghosh, Mohammed A. Al-Saedi
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Signal encryption and recovery using chaotic optical waves has been a subject of active research in the past 10 years. Since an acousto-optic Bragg cell with zeroth- and first-order feedback exhibits chaotic behavior past the threshold for bistability, such a system was recently examined for possible chaotic encryption using a low-amplitude sinusoidal signal applied via the bias input of the sound cell driver 1, 2. Subsequent recovery of the message signal was carried out via a heterodyne strategy employing a locally generated chaotic carrier, with threshold parameters matched to the transmitting Bragg cell. The simulation results, though encouraging, were limited to relatively low chaos frequencies and sinusoidal message signals only. In this paper, we extend the previous work by (i) increasing the chaos frequency using appropriate parameter control; (ii) carefully examining the system sensitivity to three system parameters, viz., feedback delay, feedback gain, and dc bias level; (iii) examine signal recoverability relative to shifts in the three parameters mentioned above relative to the transmitter; and (iv) determining the robustness of such a system relative to the primary transmitter parameters. Additionally, we consider also the effect of the additive bandpass noise (obtained from white Gaussian noise in the simulator) on signal recovery in such a system from a performance standpoint. It is also conjectured that signal recovery can be effected by passing the modulated light through a second sound cell in a matched chaotic regime. This aspect is also under investigation.
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Monish R. Chatterjee, Anjan K. Ghosh, and Mohammed A. Al-Saedi "Performance measures in acousto-optic chaotic signal encryption system subject to parametric variations and additive noise", Proc. SPIE 7814, Free-Space Laser Communications X, 78140D (24 August 2010); Logo
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