22 February 2011 Behavior of optical properties of coagulated blood sample at 633 nm wavelength
Beatriz Morales Cruzado, Sergio Vázquez y Montiel, José Alberto Delgado Atencio
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Determination of tissue optical parameters is fundamental for application of light in either diagnostics or therapeutical procedures. However, in samples of biological tissue in vitro, the optical properties are modified by cellular death or cellular agglomeration that can not be avoided. This phenomena change the propagation of light within the biological sample. Optical properties of human blood tissue were investigated in vitro at 633 nm using an optical setup that includes a double integrating sphere system. We measure the diffuse transmittance and diffuse reflectance of the blood sample and compare these physical properties with those obtained by Monte Carlo Multi-Layered (MCML). The extraction of the optical parameters: absorption coefficient μa, scattering coefficient μs and anisotropic factor g from the measurements were carried out using a Genetic Algorithm, in which the search procedure is based in the evolution of a population due to selection of the best individual, evaluated by a function that compares the diffuse transmittance and diffuse reflectance of those individuals with the experimental ones. The algorithm converges rapidly to the best individual, extracting the optical parameters of the sample. We compare our results with those obtained by using other retrieve procedures. We found that the scattering coefficient and the anisotropic factor change dramatically due to the formation of clusters.
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Beatriz Morales Cruzado, Sergio Vázquez y Montiel, and José Alberto Delgado Atencio "Behavior of optical properties of coagulated blood sample at 633 nm wavelength", Proc. SPIE 7897, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXII, 78970S (22 February 2011); Logo
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Tissue optics

Monte Carlo methods

Genetic algorithms



Optical properties

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