7 April 2011 LWR improvement in EUV resist process
Chawon Koh, Hyun-Woo Kim, Sumin Kim, Hai-Sub Na, Chang-Min Park, Cheolhong Park, Kyoung-Yong Cho
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Extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) is the most effective way to print sub-30 nm features. The roughness of both the resist sidewall (line width roughness [LWR]) and resist top must be overcome soon for EUVL to be implemented. Currently, LWR can vary by about 1 nm according to the recipe used. We have characterized two promising techniques to improve LWR, an EUV rinse/TBAH process and an implant process, and demonstrated their efficacy. After cleaning inspection (ACI), LWR was improved with both the rinse and implant processes. After development inspection (ADI), LWR improved (0.12 nm, 2.4%) and ACI LWR improved (0.1 nm, 2.0% improvement) after using the EUV rinse process. ADI and ACI LWR improvement (0.45 nm, 9.1%, and 0.3 nm, 6.9%, respectively) was demonstrated with the EUV rinse/TBAH process. ADI LWR improvement (0.5 nm, 8.1%) and ACI LWR improvement (-0.5 nm, -16.9%) were characterized with the implant process. Critical dimension (CD) showed similar changes through pitch after the EUV rinse or TBAH process, but the degree of change depended on the initial pattern size giving CD difference of 2 nm between 30 nm HP and 50 nm HP after the implant process. For this technique, the dependence of CD change on pattern size must be minimized. Further extensive studies with rinse or implant are strongly encouraged for continued LWR improvement and real process implementation in EUVL. Demonstrating <2.2 nm LWR after pattern transfer is important in EUVL and needs to be pursued using various technical approaches. Initial resist LWR is important in assessing LWR improvements with additional process techniques. An initial EUV LWR < ~5.0 nm is required to properly assess the validity of the technique. Further study is required to improve ADI LWR and maintain better LWR after etch with advanced EUV rinse materials. Defects also need to be confirmed following the EUV rinse and TBAH developer. Further developing the implant process should focus on LWR improvement at low frequencies and optimization of process conditions to maintain the EUV resist profile and resist height. The dependence of CD change on pattern size likewise needs to be minimized.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chawon Koh, Hyun-Woo Kim, Sumin Kim, Hai-Sub Na, Chang-Min Park, Cheolhong Park, and Kyoung-Yong Cho "LWR improvement in EUV resist process", Proc. SPIE 7969, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography II, 796918 (7 April 2011); Logo
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Line width roughness

Extreme ultraviolet

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Photoresist processing

Critical dimension metrology



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