20 May 2011 Interactive visualization of hyperspectral images on a hyperbolic disk
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Visualization of the high-dimensional data set that makes up hyperspectral images necessitates a dimensionality reduction approach to make that data useful to a human analyst. The expression of spectral data as color images, individual pixel spectra plots, principal component images, and 2D/3D scatter plots of a subset of the data are a few examples of common techniques. However, these approaches leave the user with little ability to intuit knowledge of the full N-dimensional spectral data space or to directly or easily interact with that data. In this work, we look at developing an interactive, intuitive visualization and analysis tool based on using a Poincaré disk as a window into that high dimensional space. The Poincaré disk represents an infinite, two-dimensional hyperbolic space such that distances and areas increase exponentially as you move farther from the center of the disk. By projecting N-dimensional data into this space using a non-linear, yet relative distance metric preserving projection (such as the Sammon projection), we can simultaneously view the entire data set while maintaining natural clustering and spacing. The disk also provides a means to interact with the data; the user is presented with a "fish-eye" view of the space which can be navigated and manipulated with a mouse to "zoom" into clusters of data and to select spectral data points. By coupling this interaction with a synchronous view of the data as a spatial RGB image and the ability to examine individual pixel spectra, the user has full control over the data set for classification, analysis, and instructive use.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Adam A. Goodenough, Ariel Schlamm, Scott D. Brown, and David Messinger "Interactive visualization of hyperspectral images on a hyperbolic disk", Proc. SPIE 8048, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVII, 80481K (20 May 2011);
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Hyperspectral imaging

RGB color model

Image classification

Data modeling

Zoom lenses

Data centers

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