18 August 2011 Research on inside surface of hollow reactor based on photoelectric detecting technique
Gui-cai Song, Yan-xiang Na, Wen-zong Shi, Qi Zhang
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The detection of inside surface of the hollow reactor uses the industrial fiber endoscope mostly. In order to obtain the large view angle, industrial endoscope generally uses the ultra wide fisheye lenses, which have the larger image distortion, and the smaller depth focus. Industrial endoscope uses optical look system. It is inconvenience for the observer. Even if use the TV image transmission system, it is also hard to get high quality images for the limit of like a bouquet of processing by preaching. The hollow reactor inside surface rapidly detection system based on the photoelectric detecting technique is composed by optical detection system, control system, the transmission system, image transmission system, image acquisition, display and data processing system. It can detect four holes and eight surface at the same time, and the testing time only 50-60 seconds. It can save the real condition of the inside surface of hollow reactor in the form of the bitmap. It can screen the bitmap stored according to the set of parameters, find out the problem bitmaps and supply for the techniques to identify and confirm.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gui-cai Song, Yan-xiang Na, Wen-zong Shi, and Qi Zhang "Research on inside surface of hollow reactor based on photoelectric detecting technique", Proc. SPIE 8194, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Advances in Imaging Detectors and Applications, 81941S (18 August 2011);
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Control systems

Imaging systems

Image processing

Image transmission

Charge-coupled devices

Light sources and illumination


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