6 February 2012 Radiative-SPR platform for the detection of apolipoprotein E for use in medical diagnostics
Beniamino Sciacca, Alexandre Francois, Megan A. S. Penno, Julie A. Brazzatti, Manuela Klingler-Hoffmann, Peter Hoffmann, Tanya M. Monro
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Proceedings Volume 8234, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IX; 82340R (2012)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2012, San Francisco, California, United States
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) based sensors enable the rapid, label-free and highly sensitive detection of a large range of biomolecules. We have previously shown that, using silver coated optical fibres with an high surface roughness, a re-scattering of the surface plasmons is possible, turning SPR into a radiative process. This approach overcomes limitations associated with current SPR technologies such as the tight tolerance on the metallic coating thickness, and results in a more compact, versatile, robust and cost-effective approach. However, the specific detection of small molecules is a challenge in SPR systems, regardless of the SPR architecture that is used. This new sensing platform, which has proved effective for the detection of large molecules such as viruses, is now demonstrated to be able to detect small proteins thanks to an improved surface functionalization procedure, a key point for reliable and robust immunosensors. Avidin, a tetrameric biotin-binding protein, was used to link biotinylated antibodies to the biotinylated surface, with a given orientation, to enable efficient sensing of the analyte. This approach may offer significant advantages compared to protein A surface functionalization strategies such as a limited cross reactivity with free IgG antibodies in clinical samples. We demonstrate that by bringing together this novel emission-based fibre SPR platform, with an improved surface functionalization process, is possible to rapidly and specifically detect human apolipoprotein E, a low molecular weight protein (~39kDa) known to be involved in cardiovascular diseases, in Alzheimer's disease and in gastric cancer. The results obtained clearly show that this new sensing platform has the potential to serve as a tool for point-of-decision medical diagnostics.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Beniamino Sciacca, Alexandre Francois, Megan A. S. Penno, Julie A. Brazzatti, Manuela Klingler-Hoffmann, Peter Hoffmann, and Tanya M. Monro "Radiative-SPR platform for the detection of apolipoprotein E for use in medical diagnostics", Proc. SPIE 8234, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IX, 82340R (6 February 2012); Logo
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