23 February 2012 Incorporating the whole-mount prostate histology reconstruction program Histostitcher into the extensible imaging platform (XIP) framework
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There is a need for identifying quantitative imaging (e.g. MRI) signatures for prostate cancer (CaP), so that computer-aided diagnostic methods can be trained to detect disease extent in vivo. Determining CaP extent on in vivo MRI is difficult to do; however, with the availability of ex vivo surgical whole mount histological sections (WMHS) for CaP patients undergoing radical prostatectomy, co-registration methods can be applied to align and map disease extent onto pre-operative MR imaging from the post-operative histology. Yet obtaining digitized images of WHMS for co-registration with the pre-operative MRI is cumbersome since (a) most digital slide scanners are unable to accommodate the entire section, and (b) significant technical expertise is required for whole mount slide preparation. Consequently, most centers opt to construct quartered sections of each histology slice. Prior to co-registration with MRI, however, these quartered sections need to be digitally stitched together to reconstitute a digital, pseudo WMHS. Histostitcher© is an interactive software program that uses semi-automatic registration tools to digitally stitch quartered sections into pseudo WMHS. Histostitcher© was originally developed using the GUI tools provided by the Matlab programming interface, but the clinical use was limited due to the inefficiency of the interface. The limitations of the Matlab based GUI include (a) an inability to edit the fiducials, (b) the rendering being extremely slow, and (c) lack of interactive and rapid visualization tools. In this work, Histostitcher© has been integrated into the eXtensible Imaging Platform (XIP TM ) framework (a set of libraries containing functionalities for analyzing and visualizing medical image data). XIP TM lends the stitching tool much greater flexibility and functionality by (a) allowing interactive and seamless navigation through the full resolution histology images, (b) the ability to easily add, edit, or remove fiducials and annotations in order to register the quadrants and map the disease extent. In this work, we showcase examples of digital stitching of quartered histological sections into pseudo-WHMS using Histostitcher © via the new XIP TM interface. This tool will be particularly useful in clinical trials and large cohort studies where a quick, interactive way of digitally reconstructing pseudo WMHS is required.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Toth, Jonathan Chappelow, Christoph Vetter, Oliver Kutter, Christoph Russ, Michael Feldman, John Tomaszewski, Natalie Shih, and Anant Madabhushi "Incorporating the whole-mount prostate histology reconstruction program Histostitcher into the extensible imaging platform (XIP) framework", Proc. SPIE 8315, Medical Imaging 2012: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 83151K (23 February 2012); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Magnetic resonance imaging

Human-machine interfaces

In vivo imaging



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