5 October 2012 Integration status of the configurable slit unit for GTC-EMIR
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The Configurable Slit Unit (CSU) is a key module of EMIR (wide field NIR multi-object spectrograph) which will be one of the key next generation instruments of the Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC). The CSU enables a multi-slit configuration, a long slit, or an imaging aperture in the 6’x6’ (340mm x 340mm) field of view. This is realized by 110 sliding bars which can be configured at cryogenic working temperature to create 55 slits with a position accuracy of 6 micron. The CSU incorporates a number of enabling technologies which have been developed, validated and matured as a part of the total development of the CSU. Dedicated actuator drive and position measurement technologies have been successfully developed. Also a selective surface treatment technology, to give detailed features on the same part opposite emissivity performances, has been developed. All these technologies are currently implemented in the realization of the unit. Manufacturing of components for the unit has challenged state of the art production equipment and skills to the limit due to the size, number, accuracy and complexity of the parts and features. Integration and verification of the CSU is advancing. Both mechanics as electronics have been tested at sub-module level. Ahead is the challenge of actual integration of the electronics and software in order to get the mechanical hardware to operate within specification. Control strategies are developed and tuned to guarantee robust operation of the unit in cryogenic working environment. As a final integration step all individual axes are calibrated with an external interferometer measurement system.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Teuwen, H. Janssen, J. M. Casalta, and F. Garzón Lopez "Integration status of the configurable slit unit for GTC-EMIR", Proc. SPIE 8446, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, 84465N (5 October 2012); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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