21 November 2012 Study on the tie point selection for DEM extraction from stereo PRISM images
Yoshiyuki Kawata, Yukihiro Funatsu, Satoshi Yoshii, Kazuya Takemata
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Proceedings Volume 8524, Land Surface Remote Sensing; 85242A (2012)
Event: SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, 2012, Kyoto, Japan
The accuracy of DEM extraction was analyzed from the view of tie point selection in the stereo ALOS/PRISM images, using PCI Geomatica software. In the analysis we considered three different parameters in the automatic tie point selection, namely, 1) the number of tie points, 2) the image correlation coefficient of tie points, and 3) the spatial resolution of DEM extraction. We found that a better DEM extraction accuracy was possible when we adopted a single tie point with large image correlation coefficient (around 0.8) and the spatial resolution of 2.5 (m) in the automatic tie point selection from the stereo PRISM images. In addition, we examined the dependence of the DEM extraction accuracy on the tie point’s elevation in the manual tie point selection. However, no clear dependence on the tie point’s elevation was found because of large DEM noises at tie points in the mountain area. Finally, some preliminary analysis results of DEM extraction accuracy were presented from the stereo QuickBird images.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yoshiyuki Kawata, Yukihiro Funatsu, Satoshi Yoshii, and Kazuya Takemata "Study on the tie point selection for DEM extraction from stereo PRISM images", Proc. SPIE 8524, Land Surface Remote Sensing, 85242A (21 November 2012);
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Spatial resolution



Accuracy assessment

Earth observing sensors


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