18 May 2013 Supervised method for optimum hyperspectral band selection
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Much effort has been devoted to development of methods to reduce hyperspectral image dimensionality by locating and retaining data relevant for image interpretation while discarding that which is irrelevant. Irrelevance can result from an absence of information that could contribute to the classification, or from the presence of information that could contribute to the classification but is redundant with other information already selected for inclusion in the classification process.

We describe a new supervised method that uses mutual information to incrementally determine the most relevant combination of available bands and/or derived pseudo bands to differentiate a specified set of classes. We refer to this as relevance spectroscopy. The method identifies a specific optimum band combination and provides estimates of classification accuracy for data interpretation using a complementary, also information theoretic, classification procedure.

When modest numbers of classes are involved the number of relevant bands to achieve good classification accuracy is typically three or fewer. Time required to determine the optimum band combination is of the order of a minute on a personal computer. Automated interpretation of intermediate images derived from the optimum band set can often keep pace with data acquisition speeds.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert K. McConnell "Supervised method for optimum hyperspectral band selection", Proc. SPIE 8743, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XIX, 87430W (18 May 2013);
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Hyperspectral imaging


Image analysis

Image classification


Imaging spectroscopy

RGB color model

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