6 May 2013 Transformation optics and metamaterials at infrared wavelength: engineering of permittivity and permeability
Rasta Ghasemi, Aloyse Degiron, Xavier Leroux, Anatole Lupu, André de Lustrac
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The transformation optics was introduced by J. Pendry and U. Leonhardt in 2006 [1,2]. In this method an initial space is transformed into a new space and this transformed space can be materialized by a material, which the electromagnetic parameters can be deduced from the metric of the transformed space. In the general case the electromagnetic parameters are anisotropic tensors. At microwave frequencies these materials can be realized using classical metamaterials like SRR form J. Pendry or ELC from D. Smith [3]. At infrared wavelengths this realization is a challenge because the dimensions of the metamaterials are much smaller than the wavelength and become nanometric. Then the design of these metamaterials must be simplified and original methods must be developed to allow the realization of these metamaterials with controlled electromagnetic properties. In this paper we describe the realization of a multilayer metamaterial working at infrared wavelength, which the permittivity and the permeability can be adjusted separately. We give some examples of realized multilayer materials operating around 150THz, with a comparison between the results of full wave simulations of these materials and their characterizations using a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer.
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Rasta Ghasemi, Aloyse Degiron, Xavier Leroux, Anatole Lupu, and André de Lustrac "Transformation optics and metamaterials at infrared wavelength: engineering of permittivity and permeability", Proc. SPIE 8771, Metamaterials VIII, 87710D (6 May 2013);
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