11 September 2013 Development of the control circuits for the TID-CCD stereo camera of the Chang'E-2 satellite based on FPGAs
Yong-Qiang Duan, Wei Gao, Wei-Dong Qiao, De-Sheng Wen, Bao-Chang Zhao
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Proceedings Volume 8907, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Infrared Imaging and Applications; 89074U (2013)
Event: ISPDI 2013 - Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, 2013, Beijing, China
The TDI-CCD Stereo Camera is the optical sensor on the Chang’E-2 (CE-2) satellite created for the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. The camera was designed to acquire three-dimensional stereoscopic images of the lunar surface based upon three-line array photogrammetric theory. The primary objective of the camera is, (1) to obtain about 1-m pixel spatial resolution images of the preparative landing location from an ellipse orbit at an altitude of ~15km, and (2) to obtain about 7-m pixel spatial resolution global images of the Moon from a circular orbit at an altitude of ~100km. The focal plane of the camera is comprised of two TDI-CCDs. The control circuits of the camera are designed based on two SRAM-type FPGAs, XQR2V3000-4CG717. In this paper, a variable frequency control and multi-tap data readout technology for the TDI-CCD is presented, which is able to change the data processing capabilities according to the different orbit mode for the TDI-CCD stereo camera. By this way, the data rate of the camera is extremely reduced from 100Mbps to 25Mbps at high orbit mode, which is benefit to raise the reliability of the image transfer. The results of onboard flight validate that the proposed methodology is reasonable and reliable.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yong-Qiang Duan, Wei Gao, Wei-Dong Qiao, De-Sheng Wen, and Bao-Chang Zhao "Development of the control circuits for the TID-CCD stereo camera of the Chang'E-2 satellite based on FPGAs", Proc. SPIE 8907, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Infrared Imaging and Applications, 89074U (11 September 2013); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Field programmable gate arrays

Control systems

Imaging systems

Stereoscopic cameras



Data conversion


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