4 March 2014 Enhanced diagnostic of skin conditions by polarized laser speckles: phantom studies and computer modeling
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Proceedings Volume 8926, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics X; 89260X (2014)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2014, San Francisco, California, United States
The incidence of the skin melanoma, the most commonly fatal form of skin cancer, is increasing faster than any other potentially preventable cancer. Clinical practice is currently hampered by the lack of the ability to rapidly screen the functional and morphological properties of tissues. In our previous study we show that the quantification of scattered laser light polarization provides a useful metrics for diagnostics of the malignant melanoma. In this study we exploit whether the image speckle could improve skin cancer diagnostic in comparison with the previously used free-space speckle. The study includes skin phantom measurements and computer modeling. To characterize the depolarization of light we measure the spatial distribution of speckle patterns and analyse their depolarization ratio taken into account radial symmetry. We examine the dependences of depolarization ratio vs. roughness for phantoms which optical properties are of the order of skin lesions. We demonstrate that the variation in bulk optical properties initiates the assessable changes in the depolarization ratio. We show that image speckle differentiates phantoms significantly better than free-space speckle. The results of experimental measurements are compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lioudmila Tchvialeva, Tim K. Lee, Igor Markhvida, Haishan Zeng, Alexander Doronin, and Igor Meglinski "Enhanced diagnostic of skin conditions by polarized laser speckles: phantom studies and computer modeling", Proc. SPIE 8926, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics X, 89260X (4 March 2014); Logo
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Light scattering


Speckle pattern

Optical properties

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