19 March 2014 MTF characterization in 2D and 3D for a high resolution, large field of view flat panel imager for cone beam CT
Jainil Shah, Steve D. Mann, Martin P. Tornai, Michelle Richmond, George Zentai
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The 2D and 3D modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a custom made, large 40x30cm2 area, 600- micron CsI-TFT based flat panel imager having 127-micron pixellation, along with the micro-fiber scintillator structure, were characterized in detail using various techniques. The larger area detector yields a reconstructed FOV of 25cm diameter with an 80cm SID in CT mode. The MTFs were determined with 1x1 (intrinsic) binning. The 2D MTFs were determined using a 50.8 micron tungsten wire and a solid lead edge, and the 3D MTF was measured using a custom made phantom consisting of three nearly orthogonal 50.8 micron tungsten wires suspended in an acrylic cubic frame. The 2D projection data was reconstructed using an iterative OSC algorithm using 16 subsets and 5 iterations. As additional verification of the resolution, along with scatter, the Catphan® phantom was also imaged and reconstructed with identical parameters. The measured 2D MTF was ~4% using the wire technique and ~1% using the edge technique at the 3.94 lp/mm Nyquist cut-off frequency. The average 3D MTF measured along the wires was ~8% at the Nyquist. At 50% MTF, the resolutions were 1.2 and 2.1 lp/mm in 2D and 3D, respectively. In the Catphan® phantom, the 1.7 lp/mm bars were easily observed. Lastly, the 3D MTF measured on the three wires has an observed 5.9% RMSD, indicating that the resolution of the imaging system is uniform and spatially independent. This high performance detector is integrated into a dedicated breast SPECT-CT imaging system.
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Jainil Shah, Steve D. Mann, Martin P. Tornai, Michelle Richmond, and George Zentai "MTF characterization in 2D and 3D for a high resolution, large field of view flat panel imager for cone beam CT", Proc. SPIE 9033, Medical Imaging 2014: Physics of Medical Imaging, 90333V (19 March 2014); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Modulation transfer functions


Imaging systems

3D metrology

3D image processing

Image resolution


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