25 September 2014 Development of 2D deconvolution method to repair blurred MTSAT-1R visible imagery
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Spatial cross-talk has been discovered in the visible channel data of the Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT)-1R. The slight image blurring is attributed to an imperfection in the mirror surface caused either by flawed polishing or a dust contaminant. An image processing methodology is described that employs a two-dimensional deconvolution routine to recover the original undistorted MTSAT-1R data counts. The methodology assumes that the dispersed portion of the signal is small and distributed randomly around the optical axis, which allows the image blurring to be described by a point spread function (PSF) based on the Gaussian profile. The PSF is described by 4 parameters, which are solved using a maximum likelihood estimator using coincident collocated MTSAT-2 images as truth. A subpixel image matching technique is used to align the MTSAT-2 pixels into the MTSAT-1R projection and to correct for navigation errors and cloud displacement due to the time and viewing geometry differences between the two satellite observations. An optimal set of the PSF parameters is derived by an iterative routine based on the 4-dimensional Powell’s conjugate direction method that minimizes the difference between PSF-corrected MTSAT-1R and collocated MTSAT-2 images. This iterative approach is computationally intensive and was optimized analytically as well as by coding in assembly language incorporating parallel processing. The PSF parameters were found to be consistent over the 5-days of available daytime coincident MTSAT-1R and MTSAT-2 images, and can easily be applied to the MTSAT-1R imager pixel level counts to restore the original quality of the entire MTSAT-1R record.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Konstantin V. Khlopenkov, David R. Doelling, and Arata Okuyama "Development of 2D deconvolution method to repair blurred MTSAT-1R visible imagery", Proc. SPIE 9218, Earth Observing Systems XIX, 92181Q (25 September 2014);
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GOES program status
Proceedings of SPIE (October 18 1996)
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