21 October 2014 Air pollutant retrieval in East Asia from space and ground: algorithm improvement
Sonoyo Mukai, Itaru Sano, Makiko Nakata
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This work intends to develop an efficient algorithm for aerosol retrieval in haze episodes. The increasing emissions of anthropogenic particles provide the serious air pollutants. Although extreme concentrations of aerosols in the atmosphere can prevent aerosol monitoring with surface-level sun/sky photometers, satellites can still be used in such conditions to observe the Earth’s atmosphere from space. It is known that the precise simulation of multiple light-scattering processes within the atmosphere is necessary for aerosol remote sensing and needs a long computational time especially in such an optically thick atmosphere as aerosol episode. Accordingly efficient and practical algorithms for radiation simulations are indispensable to retrieve particle characteristics in a case of serious air pollution.
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Sonoyo Mukai, Itaru Sano, and Makiko Nakata "Air pollutant retrieval in East Asia from space and ground: algorithm improvement", Proc. SPIE 9242, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XIX; and Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XVII, 924216 (21 October 2014);
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Atmospheric particles

Atmospheric modeling

Atmospheric optics


Earth's atmosphere


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