26 February 2015 Characterization of the mouse organ of Corti cytoarchitecture using a stick representation
Joris AM Soons, Anthony J. Ricci, Charles R. Steele, Sunil Puria
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The supporting cells and hair cells (HCs) in the organ of Corti (OoC) are highly organized. The precise 3D micro-structure is hypothesized to play a critical role in cochlear function. Recently, we combined two techniques to obtain the organ of Corti cytoarchitecture. Two-photon imaging allowed us to perform in situ imaging without subjecting the tissue to other potential distortions, while genetically engineered mTmG mice have a fluorophore embedded in the cell membranes. In this contribution we discuss the parameterization step necessary to compare structures obtained with this technique at different locations and in different specimens.

First, the z-axis is chosen perpendicular to the basilar membrane. Subsequently, base and apex of cells are indicated by landmarks. As such, the cells are approximated as a stick representation. This representation is used to calculate the 3D lengths and angles of all imaged cells. Since the OoC is not straight but spiral-shaped, the radial (y) and longitudinal (x) directions differ at each location. Therefore, circular arcs are fitted through the 3 rows of outer HCs to define the local radial (y) and longitudinal (x) direction. Novel in this approach is the 3D data of the cell position in the organ of Corti. Cell diameters and tissue areas cannot be quantified with this stick representation and need to be measured separately.
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Joris AM Soons, Anthony J. Ricci, Charles R. Steele, and Sunil Puria "Characterization of the mouse organ of Corti cytoarchitecture using a stick representation", Proc. SPIE 9303, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XI, 93031P (26 February 2015);
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3D modeling

3D image processing

3D metrology


Two photon excitation microscopy

Two photon imaging


Whole mouse cryo-imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (March 20 2008)
Two-photon imaging using a flexible endoscope
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