12 March 2015 Alternating magnetic field optimization for IONP hyperthermia cancer treatment
Elliot J. Kastner, Russell Reeves, William Bennett, Adwiteeya Misra, Jim D. Petryk, Alicia A. Petryk, P. Jack Hoopes D.V.M.
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Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONP) have therapeutic potential to deliver a thermal dose to tumors when activated in an alternating magnetic field (AMF). Through various targeting methods such as antibody labeling or injection site choice, delivery of IONPs to tumors yields enhanced treatment accuracy and efficacy. Despite this advantage, delivery an AMF, which is sufficient to result in clinically relevant IONP heating, can result in nonspecific tissue heating via the generation of eddy currents and tissue permeated by local electric fields (joule heating). The production of eddy current heating is a function of tissue size, geometry and composition as well as coil design and operation. The purpose of this research is to increase the level of energy deposited into the IONPs versus the non-target tissue (power ratio/PR)1 in order to improve target heating and reduce nonspecific tissue damage. We propose to improve the PR using two primary concepts: (1) reduce power deposition into non-target tissue by manipulating the fields and eddy current flow and (2) enhance heat removal from non-target tissue. We have shown that controlling tissue placement within the AMF field, accounting for tissue geometry, utilizing external cooling devices, and modifying the field properties can decrease non-target heating by more than 50%, at clinically relevant AMF levels, thereby allowing for an increase in thermal dose to the tumor and increasing the therapeutic ratio.
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Elliot J. Kastner, Russell Reeves, William Bennett, Adwiteeya Misra, Jim D. Petryk, Alicia A. Petryk, and P. Jack Hoopes D.V.M. "Alternating magnetic field optimization for IONP hyperthermia cancer treatment", Proc. SPIE 9326, Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment VIII, 93260M (12 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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