4 March 2015 Carrier-envelope-offset frequency detection of an ultrafast VECSEL
M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, Alexander Klenner, A. S. Mayer, S. M. Link, F. Emaury, M. Golling, Emilio Gini, C. J. Saraceno, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
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Ultrafast VECSELs with high peak power are of great interest for gigahertz frequency combs, as they provide a high power per comb-line and large comb-tooth spacing. However, the detection and stabilization of the carrier-envelope-offset frequency (fCEO) using an f-to-2f detection scheme, crucial for most frequency comb applications, requires short pulse durations around 100 fs combined with kilowatt peak power to generate a coherent octave-spanning supercontinuum. We present the detection of the fCEO beat notes from an ultrafast semiconductor laser. The laser is a SESAM-modelocked VECSEL which generates 231-fs pulses in 100-mW average output power at a repetition rate of 1.75 GHz and a wavelength of 1040 nm. As the performance of the oscillator is not sufficient for direct fCEO detection the pulses were amplified in an Yb-doped fiber amplifier and subsequently broadened by self-phase modulation in a large mode area fiber. The amplified pulses were compressed to a pulse duration of 85 fs at 2.2 W of average output power and launched into a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. A coherent octave-spanning supercontinuum covering 680 nm to 1360 nm was generated, which supported for the first time fCEO detection from a femtosecond VECSEL in a standard f-to-2f interferometer.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, Alexander Klenner, A. S. Mayer, S. M. Link, F. Emaury, M. Golling, Emilio Gini, C. J. Saraceno, B. W. Tilma, and U. Keller "Carrier-envelope-offset frequency detection of an ultrafast VECSEL", Proc. SPIE 9349, Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) V, 93490F (4 March 2015);
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Ultrafast phenomena

Semiconductor lasers

Frequency combs

Fiber amplifiers



Optical amplifiers

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