17 March 2015 Subjective contrast sensitivity function assessment in stereoscopic viewing of Gabor patches
Johanna Rousson, Jérémy Haar, Ljiljana Platiša, Bastian Piepers, Tom R. Kimpe, Wilfried Philips
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Proceedings Volume 9391, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI; 93910O (2015)
Event: SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2015, San Francisco, California, United States
While 3D displays are entering hospitals, no study to-date has explored the impact of binocular disparity and 3D inclination on contrast sensitivity function (CSF) of humans. However, knowledge of the CSF is crucial to properly calibrate medical, especially diagnostic, displays. This study examined the impact of two parameters on the CSF: (1) the depth plane position (0 mm or 171 mm behind the display plane, respectively DP:0 or DP:171), and (2) the 3D inclination (0° or 45° around the horizontal axis of the considered DP), each of these for seven spatial frequencies ranging from 0.4 to 10 cycles per degree (cpd). The stimuli were computer-generated stereoscopic images of a vertically oriented 2D Gabor patch with a given frequency. They were displayed on a 24” full HD stereoscopic display using a patterned retarder. Nine human observers assessed the CSF in a 3-down 1-up staircase experiment. Medians of the measured contrast sensitivities and results of Friedman tests suggest that the 2D CSF as modeled by Barten1 still holds when a 3D display is used as a 2D visualization system (DP:0). However, the 3D CSF measured at DP:171 was found different from the 2D CSF at frequencies below 1 cpd and above 10 cpd.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Johanna Rousson, Jérémy Haar, Ljiljana Platiša, Bastian Piepers, Tom R. Kimpe, and Wilfried Philips "Subjective contrast sensitivity function assessment in stereoscopic viewing of Gabor patches", Proc. SPIE 9391, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI, 93910O (17 March 2015);
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3D displays

Contrast sensitivity

Spatial frequencies

3D image processing


3D modeling

3D metrology


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