12 May 2015 Overview of the multilayer-Fresnel zone plate and the kinoform lens development at MPI for intelligent systems
Umut Tunca Sanli, Kahraman Keskinbora, Corinne Grévent, Gisela Schütz
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The ultimate goal of our research is to develop novel fabrication methods for high efficiency and high resolution X-ray optics. To this end, we have been pursuing the fabrication of several innovative diffractive/refractive optics designs. One such optic is the multilayer type Fresnel zone plate (ML-FZP). Our fabrication process relies on the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of two materials on a smooth glass fiber followed by a focused ion beam (FIB) based slicing and polishing. The ALD process allows much smaller outermost zone widths than the standard electron beam lithography based FZPs, meaning FZPs with potentially higher resolutions. Moreover, by depositing the multilayer on a cm long glass-fiber FZPs with very high optical thicknesses can be fabricated that can efficiently focus harder X-rays as well. A 21 nm half-pitch resolution was achieved using the ML-FZPs. Another optic we have been working on is the kinoform lens, which is a refractive/diffractive optic with a 100 % theoretical focusing efficiency. Their fabrication is usually realized by using approximate models which limit their success. Recently the fabrication of real kinoform lenses has been successfully realized in our lab via gray-scale direct-write ion beam lithography without any approximations. The lenses have been tested in the soft X-ray range achieving up to ~90 % of the calculated efficiency which indicates outstanding replication of the designed profile. Here we give an overview of our research and discuss the future challenges and opportunities for these optics.
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Umut Tunca Sanli, Kahraman Keskinbora, Corinne Grévent, and Gisela Schütz "Overview of the multilayer-Fresnel zone plate and the kinoform lens development at MPI for intelligent systems", Proc. SPIE 9510, EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space IV, 95100U (12 May 2015); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Computer generated holography

X-ray optics


Hard x-rays

Atomic layer deposition

Zone plates

Intelligence systems


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