Exciton annihilation processes impact both the lifetime and efficiency roll-off of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), however it is notoriously difficult to identify the dominant mode of annihilation in operating devices (exciton-exciton vs. exciton-charge carrier) and subsequently to disentangle its magnitude from competing roll-off processes such as charge imbalance. Here, we introduce a simple analytical method to directly identify and extract OLED annihilation rates from standard light-current-voltage (LIV) measurement data.
The foundation of this approach lies in a frequency domain EQE analysis and is most easily understood in analogy to impedance spectroscopy, where in this case both the current (J) and electroluminescence intensity (L) are measured using a lock-in amplifier at different harmonics of the sinusoidal dither superimposed on the DC device bias. In the presence of annihilation, the relationship between recombination current and light output (proportional to exciton density) becomes nonlinear, thereby mixing the different EQE harmonics in a manner that depends uniquely on the type and magnitude of annihilation.
We derive simple expressions to extract different annihilation rate coefficients and apply this technique to a variety of OLEDs. For example, in devices dominated by triplet-triplet annihilation, the annihilation rate coefficient, K_TT, is obtained directly from the linear slope that results from plotting EQE_DC-EQE_1ω versus L_DC (2EQE_1ω-EQE_DC). We go on to show that, in certain cases it is sufficient to calculate EQE_1ω directly from the slope of the DC light versus current curve [i.e. via (dL_DC)/(dJ_DC )], thus enabling this analysis to be conducted solely from common LIV measurement data.