7 August 2015 A miniaturized and integrated system to measure key parameters of ophthamic optical coherence tomography equipment
Xiaoyu Fu, Zhixiong Hu, Chunfeng Ge, Bingtao Hao, Wenli Liu, Baoyu Hong, Dongfang Jia
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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology has been widely applied in the field of ophthalmic diagnosis. As the use of this innovative 3D imaging approach increases, the requirement to characterize its fundamental system performance is in great demand. Resolution capability is considered as the most important parameter for any imaging devices including OCT. Differing from conventional microscopic imaging method, the axial resolution of OCT is governed by full width at half maximum of the source spectrum (FWHM) while its lateral resolution is determined by the system numerical aperture (NA). Here, a miniaturized system is developed to measure the source spectrum and the system numerical aperture of OCT equipment. Both the hardware and the software are custom designed and integrated to measure the two key parameters of an OCT equipment. A clinical OCT machine is tested with the compact measuring system. In the meanwhile, the same parameters are also acquired with the use of commercial but bulky instrument, and a good agreement has been achieved by comparing the measuring results. The measuring mechanism, data processing algorithm as well as the mechanical design are described in detail. It has provided an applicable method to verify and calibrate fundamental parameters of any OCT equipment.
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Xiaoyu Fu, Zhixiong Hu, Chunfeng Ge, Bingtao Hao, Wenli Liu, Baoyu Hong, and Dongfang Jia "A miniaturized and integrated system to measure key parameters of ophthamic optical coherence tomography equipment ", Proc. SPIE 9623, 2015 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Systems, 96230H (7 August 2015);
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Optical coherence tomography

Image resolution

Imaging systems

System integration

Charge-coupled devices


Spectral resolution


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