8 October 2015 A new technique for contact lenses measuring based on digital image processing
Qiheng Xu, Haiyang Liao, Sumao Feng
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Proceedings Volume 9677, AOPC 2015: Optical Test, Measurement, and Equipment; 96770U (2015)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2015), 2015, Beijing, China
To ensure the functionality, safe reliability and amenity of contact lens, the center thickness tc , diameter φt and base curves r0 are three key parameters to be measured. For purpose of measuring the parameters tc , φt and r0 of contact lens in a single compact instrument with high accuracy and efficiency, a new method based on digital image processing is proposed and examined. Firstly, aim at establishing appropriate measurement environment and obtaining the measuring images properly, the instrument structure is designed and implemented according to the characteristics of contact lenses. Several main environmental factors affects the accuracy has been considered, such as measuring medium and temperature. Secondly, the procedure of the geometric features location and coordinate conversion is analyzed and demonstrated. Thanks to the Canny-Zernike edge detection, the feature points in the image can be effectively positioned at sub-pixel level without increasing the hardware costs. In order to map the feature points’ pixel coordinates to world coordinates, the homography between the measuring plane and the imaging plane is estimated based on the pinhole imaging model. Lastly, with the specific obtained feature world coordinates, the distance formula and least squares curve fitting are used to calculate the object parameters. The instrument prototype and experimental analysis show that the proposed technique has advantages in terms of accuracy, volume reduction and efficiency over existing optical-mechanical techniques.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qiheng Xu, Haiyang Liao, and Sumao Feng "A new technique for contact lenses measuring based on digital image processing", Proc. SPIE 9677, AOPC 2015: Optical Test, Measurement, and Equipment, 96770U (8 October 2015);
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Contact lenses

Digital image processing

Edge detection


Imaging systems




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