6 April 2016 Laser post-processing of Inconel 625 made by selective laser melting
David Witkin, Henry Helvajian, Lee Steffeney, William Hansen
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Proceedings Volume 9738, Laser 3D Manufacturing III; 97380W (2016)
Event: SPIE LASE, 2016, San Francisco, California, United States
The effect of laser remelting of surfaces of as-built Selective Laser Melted (SLM) Inconel 625 was evaluated for its potential to improve the surface roughness of SLM parts. Many alloys made by SLM have properties similar to their wrought counterparts, but surface roughness of SLM-made parts is much higher than found in standard machine shop operations. This has implications for mechanical properties of SLM materials, such as a large debit in fatigue properties, and in applications of SLM, where surface roughness can alter fluid flow characteristics. Because complexity and netshape fabrication are fundamental advantages of Additive Manufacturing (AM), post-processing by mechanical means to reduce surface roughness detracts from the potential utility of AM. Use of a laser to improve surface roughness by targeted remelting or annealing offers the possibility of in-situ surface polishing of AM surfaces- the same laser used to melt the powder could be amplitude modulated to smooth the part during the build. The effects of remelting the surfaces of SLM Inconel 625 were demonstrated using a CW fiber laser (IPG: 1064 nm, 2-50 W) that is amplitude modulated with a pulse profile to induce remelting without spallation or ablation. The process achieved uniform depth of melting and improved surface roughness. The results show that with an appropriate pulse profile that meters the heat-load, surface features such as partially sintered powder particles and surface connected porosity can be mitigated via a secondary remelting/annealing event.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David Witkin, Henry Helvajian, Lee Steffeney, and William Hansen "Laser post-processing of Inconel 625 made by selective laser melting", Proc. SPIE 9738, Laser 3D Manufacturing III, 97380W (6 April 2016); Logo
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Spatial light modulators


Surface finishing

Surface roughness

Amplitude modulation

Laser processing


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