22 March 2016 Stationary digital chest tomosynthesis for coronary artery calcium scoring
Gongting Wu, Jiong Wang, Marci Potuzko, Allison Harman, Caleb Pearce, Jing Shan, Yueh Z. Lee, Otto Zhou, Jianping Lu
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The coronary artery calcium score (CACS) measures the buildup of calcium on the coronary artery wall and has been shown to be an important predictor of the risk of coronary artery diseases (CAD). Currently CACS is measured using CT, though the relatively high cost and high radiation dose has limited its adoption as a routine screening procedure. Digital Chest Tomosynthesis (DCT), a low dose and low cost alternative to CT, and has been shown to achieve 90% of sensitivity of CT in lung disease screening. However commercial DCT requires long scanning time and cannot be adapted for high resolution gated cardiac imaging, necessary for CACS. The stationary DCT system (s- DCT), developed in our lab, has the potential to significantly shorten the scanning time and enables high resolution cardiac gated imaging. Here we report the preliminary results of using s-DCT to estimate the CACS. A phantom heart model was developed and scanned by the s-DCT system and a clinical CT in a phantom model with realistic coronary calcifications. The adapted fan-beam volume reconstruction (AFVR) method, developed specifically for stationary tomosynthesis systems, is used to obtain high resolution tomosynthesis images. A trained cardiologist segmented out the calcifications and the CACS was obtained. We observed a strong correlation between the tomosynthesis derived CACS and CT CACS (r2 = 0.88). Our results shows s-DCT imaging has the potential to estimate CACS, thus providing a possible low cost and low dose imaging protocol for screening and monitoring CAD.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gongting Wu, Jiong Wang, Marci Potuzko, Allison Harman, Caleb Pearce, Jing Shan, Yueh Z. Lee, Otto Zhou, and Jianping Lu "Stationary digital chest tomosynthesis for coronary artery calcium scoring", Proc. SPIE 9783, Medical Imaging 2016: Physics of Medical Imaging, 978305 (22 March 2016);
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Reconstruction algorithms

Computed tomography

Image resolution

Image segmentation

Imaging systems

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