29 April 2016 Investigation of creating possibilities of multi-channel optical system with discrete angular field
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Often, in practice, there is a problem of large areas of space viewing in order to fix certain parameters of moving objects. A multichannel optical-electronic monitoring system with a discrete angular field (or, as they say, artificial compound eye system) is an interesting variant to solve this problem. Such systems can be used for the analysis of various parameters of the objects, as an example for positioning of the object in wide annular zone. Using these systems we can get a wide angular field up to the full sphere due to a combination of a large number of elementary light detecting channels (like compound eyes of insects) and have a gain in the useful signal due to overlapping angular fields of channels. Currently, multichannel optoelectronic systems with discrete angular field are described and studied less than other up-to-date monitoring devices. But existing analogues are presented by experimental samples, which demonstrate the relevance of the research and design of such devices. This work presents a brief review of monitoring system with discrete angular field and theoretical description of proposed prototype. Results of experimental studies of mentioned prototype are presented as well.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vladislav A. Repin, Elena V. Gorbunova, and Aleksandr N. Chertov "Investigation of creating possibilities of multi-channel optical system with discrete angular field", Proc. SPIE 9899, Optical Sensing and Detection IV, 98992C (29 April 2016);
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Singular optics


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Spherical lenses

Signal detection


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