1 April 2022 Ultrashort laser pulses in medical imaging and therapy
Rosa M. Romero, Helder M. Crespo, Christian Maibohm, Paulo T. Guerreiro, Miguel N. Miranda, Jana B. Nieder
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Ultrashort laser pulses deliver broadband sources for excitation of multiple fluorophores at the same time, therefore providing to medical imaging systems an advance tool for imaging deeper into samples. Furthermore, due to their short pulse duration, and smaller average power they also allow to extend the life time of in vivo samples. Ultrashort laser pulses can also be used in surgery for removing damaged tissues in very difficult areas with reduced access, therefore being excellent tools in medical applications.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rosa M. Romero, Helder M. Crespo, Christian Maibohm, Paulo T. Guerreiro, Miguel N. Miranda, and Jana B. Nieder "Ultrashort laser pulses in medical imaging and therapy", Proc. SPIE PC11991, Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXII, PC1199104 (1 April 2022);
Medical imaging

Laser therapeutics

Ultrafast phenomena

Laser development



Time resolved spectroscopy

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