9 March 2023 Frequency performance of quantum cascade and interband cascade detectors
Gottfried Strasser, Hedwig Maria Knötig, Anna Lardschneider, Jonas Heinrich, Johannes Hillbrand, Leonard krüger, Sandro Dal Cin, Aaron Andrews, Robert Weih, Johannes Koeth, Ursula Keller, Benedikt Schwarz
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Quantum cascade detectors (QCD) are photovoltaic mid-infrared detectors based on intersubband transitions. The sub-picosecond carrier transport between subbands and the absence of a bias voltage make QCDs ideally suited for high-speed and room temperature operation. Interband cascade detectors (ICDs) combine interband optical transitions with fast intraband transport to achieve high-frequency and broad-wavelength operation at room temperature. We report the design, fabrication, and characterization of QCDs optimized for large electrical bandwidth. Femtosecond pulses generated by a mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator are used to demonstrate QCDs with a 3-dB bandwidth of more than 20 GHz and measure the saturation characteristics of ICDs.
Conference Presentation
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Gottfried Strasser, Hedwig Maria Knötig, Anna Lardschneider, Jonas Heinrich, Johannes Hillbrand, Leonard krüger, Sandro Dal Cin, Aaron Andrews, Robert Weih, Johannes Koeth, Ursula Keller, and Benedikt Schwarz "Frequency performance of quantum cascade and interband cascade detectors", Proc. SPIE PC12447, Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology, PC124471Z (9 March 2023);
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