22 November 2023 High-NA EUV platform realization as next step in EUV technology
Jara Garcia-Santaclara, Rudy Peeters, Jeroen van Dongen, Rob van Ballegoij, Sjoerd Lok, Jan van Schoot, Paul Graeupner, Peter Kuerz, Joerg Mallmann, Greet Stoorms, Peter Vanoppen
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To enable cost-effective scaling of technology nodes and extend Moore’s law for at least another decade, ASML has been developing the High NA EUV platform. With an increase of the numerical aperture (NA) from 0.33NA to 0.55NA, High NA EUV will bring multiple benefits to the semiconductor market, such as reduction of process complexity, yield improvement and higher resolution. This will be done while maximizing 0.33NA(NXE) and 0.55 NA (EXE) platforms commonality, making this an evolutionary step on EUV technology. This paper gives an overview of the progress and status of the first High NA EUV platform, the EXE:5000, through its different development and build phases.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jara Garcia-Santaclara, Rudy Peeters, Jeroen van Dongen, Rob van Ballegoij, Sjoerd Lok, Jan van Schoot, Paul Graeupner, Peter Kuerz, Joerg Mallmann, Greet Stoorms, and Peter Vanoppen "High-NA EUV platform realization as next step in EUV technology", Proc. SPIE PC12750, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2023, PC1275002 (22 November 2023);
Extreme ultraviolet

Design and modelling

Extreme ultraviolet lithography




Semiconducting wafers


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