24 July 2024 Reproducible hyperspectral single-pixel imaging using the OpenSpyrit ecosystem
Juan Felipe Perez Juste Abascal, Laurent Mahieu-Williame, Thomas Baudier, Nicolas Ducros
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We describe OpenSpyrit, an open source ecosystem for reproducible research in hyperspectral single-pixel imaging. We outline the three elements of OpenSpyrit, which include a Python software for acquiring data from a single pixel, a collection of single-pixel hyperspectral images (SPIHIM), and a Python toolkit for reconstructing single-pixel images (SPYRIT). In particular, we examine the unrolled algorithms and the plug-and-play methods available in SPYRIT that we evaluate on various datasets of the SPIHIM collection.
Conference Presentation
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Juan Felipe Perez Juste Abascal, Laurent Mahieu-Williame, Thomas Baudier, and Nicolas Ducros "Reproducible hyperspectral single-pixel imaging using the OpenSpyrit ecosystem", Proc. SPIE PC12996, Unconventional Optical Imaging IV, PC129960C (24 July 2024);
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