10 June 2024 alpha-induced radio-luminescent energy conversion in scintillating materials
Marc S. Litz, Vijay Parameshwaran, John D. Demaree, LeighAnn S. Larkin, Michael Wraback
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Decaying alpha particles exposing scintillating materials attached to photovoltaic (PV) energy converters constitute a long-lived, compact α-photovoltaic (APV) power source. A literature review of scintillating materials subsequently ranked by AMU, melting point, and defect creation were tabulated. Numerical modelling and experimental evaluations were performed measuring the parameters of luminosity and luminous degradation. The electrical power output measured from PV collecting the luminescent photons was compared to the input kinetic energy of the 𝛼-source to calculate the net system power efficiency. CsI scintillators affixed to InGaP PV produced the highest α-induced luminosity (2200 ph/MeV) and largest ion fluence (10^16) before net system power degraded to 10% of beginning of life (BOL).
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marc S. Litz, Vijay Parameshwaran, John D. Demaree, LeighAnn S. Larkin, and Michael Wraback "alpha-induced radio-luminescent energy conversion in scintillating materials", Proc. SPIE PC13027, Energy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and Applications XIV, PC1302706 (10 June 2024);


Solar cells

Indium gallium phosphide

Solar energy

Zinc sulfide

Photovoltaic materials

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