Open Access
30 June 2021 About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 3, Issue 3

The article provides information about the image on the cover of Advanced Photonics, Volume 3, Issue 3.

AP_3_3_039901_f001.pngThe image on the cover for Advanced Photonics Volume 3, Issue 3, depicts tunneling ionization of an atom, as induced by a strong laser pulse. The complex hologram in the photoelectron momentum spectrum, which encodes rich structural and dynamic information of the atom, originates from the interference of the photoelectrons tunneling at different times during the laser pulse. By introducing a weak second harmonic field, the contributions of the photoelectrons tunneling at different times are identified, a significant step toward imaging the ultrafast dynamics in atoms and molecules with the photoelectron spectroscopy of tunneling ionization.

The image is based on original research by Jia Tan et al. presented in their paper “ Resolving and weighing the quantum orbits in strong-field tunneling ionization,” Adv. Photon. 3(3), 035001 (2021).

© The Authors. Published by SPIE and CLP under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
"About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 3, Issue 3," Advanced Photonics 3(3), 039901 (30 June 2021).
Published: 30 June 2021

Chemical species


Pulsed laser operation


Molecular spectroscopy



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