1 May 2010 Forest fire hazard rating assessment in peat swamp forest using Landsat thematic mapper image
Sheriza M. Razali, Ahamad Ainuddin Nuruddin, Ismail A. Malek, Norizan A. Patah
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Forest fires are one of the major causes of the deforestation of tropical peat swamps in Malaysia. One way of trying to identify which peat swamp forests are vulnerable to forest fire is to develop a forest fire risk index. The objectives of this study were to develop both a fuel-type map and a forest fire hazard rating assessment for the peat swamp forests. The study was conducted in a peat swamp forest located at Batu Enam, Penor/Kuantan District of Pahang. This area suffered a severe forest fire on 12 March 1998 which degraded the peat swamp area. Digitally processed Landsat Thematic MapperTM satellite image were integrated with geographic information layer of fuel type, roads and canal layer to derive a fire hazard rating map of the area. Using the superior spectral and temporal resolution of a LandsatTM, five fire hazard rating classifications were defined. A forest fire hazard rating map was produced showing that 49% of the area was 'low' fire hazard rating, 23% was 'high', 17% was 'moderate', 10% was 'extreme' and 1% was 'null'. Peat lands within 150 meters of roads and of a canal were identified as having an 'extreme' fire hazard rating. Both the fire hazard rating map and the forest fire hazard rating assessment can be used in future forest fire management planning.
Sheriza M. Razali, Ahamad Ainuddin Nuruddin, Ismail A. Malek, and Norizan A. Patah "Forest fire hazard rating assessment in peat swamp forest using Landsat thematic mapper image," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4(1), 043531 (1 May 2010). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3430040
Published: 1 May 2010
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