Open Access
16 December 2015 Errata: Fourier ptychographic microscopy for filtration-based circulating tumor cell enumeration and analysis
Anthony Williams, Jaebum Chung, Xiaoze Ou, Guoan Zheng, Siddarth Rawal, Zheng Ao, Ram Datar, Changhuei Yang, Richard J. Cote M.D.
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This article [J. Biomed. Opt. 19(6), 066007 (2014)] was originally published online on 20 June 2014 with an error in the Discussion section. On p. 7, the left column, line 6, the author has clarified that the specified resolution is half-pitch. The sentence has been corrected as follows:

“Using our current experiment microfilter as an example (desired FOV of 6-mm diameter, half-pitch resolution of 0.78μm, objective’s depth of field of 5μm, and a total sample height variation of 250μm), the total amount of data that a conventional WSI system would have to collect for a color image would be equal to 8.9 gigapixels, one-third of which is assigned to each of the RGB channels.”

This article was corrected online on 7 December 2015.

© 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 1083-3668/2015/$25.00 © 2015 SPIE
Anthony Williams, Jaebum Chung, Xiaoze Ou, Guoan Zheng, Siddarth Rawal, Zheng Ao, Ram Datar, Changhuei Yang, and Richard J. Cote M.D. "Errata: Fourier ptychographic microscopy for filtration-based circulating tumor cell enumeration and analysis," Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(12), 129802 (16 December 2015).
Published: 16 December 2015 Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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