17 December 2024 Efficient 3D face recognition using multi-scale strategy and grid-based modeling
Abdelghafour Abbad, Abderrazzak Ait Mouhou, Khalid Abbad, Hamid Tairi
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Face recognition is a difficult task. It has to deal with various challenges such as lighting, orientation, and variability among different faces. Previous work has shown that the 3D face is a robust biometric modality, less affected by variations in pose or light. In addition, with the availability of depth cameras, capturing 3D data has become much easier. We propose a multi-scale framework for 3D face recognition. First, 3D point clouds are preprocessed and presented at different scales; each scale is then converted to depth maps. Next, the statistical measurements are extracted based on fast grid-based models. After that, the histogram of the oriented gradient descriptor is applied to encode the statistical grids. Finally, the features are projected and postprocessed to increase the range of data distinctiveness. Our proposed technique shows encouraging performance on Bosphorus and GavabDB databases. The recognition accuracies of the proposed algorithm achieved an overall rank-1 identification rate of 98.91% on the GavabDB database and 99.89% on the Bosphorus database.

© 2024 SPIE and IS&T
Abdelghafour Abbad, Abderrazzak Ait Mouhou, Khalid Abbad, and Hamid Tairi "Efficient 3D face recognition using multi-scale strategy and grid-based modeling," Journal of Electronic Imaging 33(6), 063049 (17 December 2024). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.33.6.063049
Received: 24 August 2023; Accepted: 26 November 2024; Published: 17 December 2024
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Facial recognition systems

Histograms of oriented gradient

3D image processing


3D modeling

3D acquisition

Feature extraction


3D face recognition via conformal representation
Proceedings of SPIE (March 06 2014)
Appearance-based color face recognition with 3d model
Proceedings of SPIE (March 20 2013)
Face recognition based on matching of local features on 3D...
Proceedings of SPIE (September 28 2016)
3D face recognition by projection-based methods
Proceedings of SPIE (February 15 2006)

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