1 August 1985 Two Photon Absorption, Nonlinear Refraction, And Optical Limiting In Semiconductors
Eric W. Van Stryland, H. Vanherzeele, M. A. Woodall, M. J. Soileau, Arthur L. Smirl, Shekhar Guha, Thomas F. Boggess
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Two-photon absorption coefficients /32 of ten direct gap semiconductors with band-gap energy Eg varying between 1 .4 and 3.7 eV were measured using 1.06 µm and 0.53 um picosecond pulses. $2 was found to scale as E43, as predicted by theory for the samples measured. Extension of the empirical relationship between $2 and Eg to InSb with Eg = 0.2 eV also provides agree-ment between previously measured values and the predicted 02. In addition, the absolute values of $2 are in excellent agreement (the average difference being <26%) with recent theory, which includes the effects of nonparabolic bands. The nonlinear refraction induced in these materials was monitored and found to agree well with the assumption that the self-refraction originates from the two-photon-generated free carriers. The observed self-defocusing yields an effective nonlinear index as much as two orders of magnitude larger than CS2 for comparable irradiances. This self-defocusing, in conjunction with two-photon absorption, was used to construct a simple, effective optical limiter that has high transmission at low input irradiance and low transmission at high input irradiance. The device is the optical analog of a Zener diode.
Eric W. Van Stryland, H. Vanherzeele, M. A. Woodall, M. J. Soileau, Arthur L. Smirl, Shekhar Guha, and Thomas F. Boggess "Two Photon Absorption, Nonlinear Refraction, And Optical Limiting In Semiconductors," Optical Engineering 24(4), 244613 (1 August 1985). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7973538
Published: 1 August 1985
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Nonlinear optics

Optical limiting

Optical semiconductors

Analog electronics


Excite-probe two-color Z-scan
Proceedings of SPIE (August 18 1992)
Nonlinear spectrometry of chromophores for optical limiting
Proceedings of SPIE (October 12 1998)

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