Open Access
1 July 1987 Editorial: SPIE-An International Society
Jack D. Gaskill
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When the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) began calling itself PIE hie International Society for Optical Engineering in 19811, an important motivating factor was the desire of the Society's Governors to reflect a rise in the membership from countries other than the United States and to foster an increase in cooperative activities with the optical engineering communities within those countries. At a time when the Society's technical focus had drifted away from photographic instrumentation and toward optical engineering, its membership had become less exclusively comprised of individuals from the U.S. and was beginning to develop a much more international flavor.
Jack D. Gaskill "Editorial: SPIE-An International Society," Optical Engineering 26(7), 267685 (1 July 1987).
Published: 1 July 1987
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Optical engineering

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