William Stephens, Paul Huang, Thomas Banwell, Leslie Reith, Steven Cheng
Optical Engineering, Vol. 29, Issue 03, (March 1990) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.55590
TOPICS: Switches, Bragg cells, Acousto-optics, Acoustics, Switching, Crystals, Diffraction, Transducers, Free space optics, Optical arrays
A multicasting photonic space switch is proposed and demonstrated
utilizing acousto-optic Bragg cells in a free-space active splitting,
passive combining optical architecture. A 4 x 4 switch is demonstrated at
optical wavelength ? = 0.83?m using Te02 Bragg cells. Fiber-to-fiber insertion
loss of 15 dB, crosstalk of —20 dB, extinction ratio of >30 dB, and
polarization sensitivity of 0.8 dB has been measured. Feasibility of switch
operation at 1.3 ?m is also shown for TeO2. Although this design was
fabricated as a 4x4, expansion to 14x 14 can be accommodated with
modifications to the optical element design. Calculations indicate that a
maximum switch size of 20 x 20 and an insertion loss of 11 dB is possible,
with crosstalk and extinction ratios greater than 30 dB.