1 November 1993 Joint transform correlator performance enhancement by a logarithmic-polar transformation
Osvaldo Perez, Mohammad A. Karim
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Rotation and scale requirements imposed by the joint Fourier transform correlator (JFTC) are relaxed by means of a logarithmic-polar transformation of the input object. The resulting target recognition/tracking system utilizes the positional invariance of the Fourier image, whereas the logarithmic-polar mapping is performed on the Fourier plane instead of the intensity of the Fourier plane. The positional information is saved, and consequently, multiple input objects are processed simultaneously. Enhancements in the areas of input binarization and power spectrum enhancements to the liquid crystal television based JFTC are performed to improve its recognition and discrimination abilities.
Osvaldo Perez and Mohammad A. Karim "Joint transform correlator performance enhancement by a logarithmic-polar transformation," Optical Engineering 32(11), (1 November 1993). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.148112
Published: 1 November 1993
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Fourier transforms

Optical correlators

Optical filters

Target recognition

Associative arrays

Computer generated holography


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