1 February 1996 Three-dimensional imaging by means of a reference-free selectogram recorded in a thick-layered light-sensitive material
Yuri N. Denisyuk, Nina A. Savostyanenko
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A method for 3-D image recording and reconstruction when using a so-called reference-free selectogram is suggested. According to this method, the light scattered by the object is filtered by a horizontal slit and then is split into two components with the help of a diffraction grating that is positioned just in front of a thick-layered photographic plate. The interference pattern that originates as a result of the interaction of the components formed by the diffraction grating is recorded in a lightsensitive layer in the form of a deep volume hologram. The reconstruction of the image is performed by using light scattered by a diffusing screen. The theoretical analysis of the recording and reconstruction process of the reference-free selectogram is given. We show that the wave field of the radiation reconstructed by a reference-free selectogram reproduces an object wave field within the accuracy of a random phase shift. We also show that the structure of the 3-D hologram recorded by the axis point of the object does not depend on the wavelength of the recording light. Results are presented on an experiment on the recording and reconstruction of the reference-free selectogram. The selectogram was recorded in a thick-layered light-sensitive material called reoxan. The image reconstructed by the selectogram was located in a plane where the recorded object was placed. This fact has proven the threedimensional character of the image. The advantages of the referencefree selectogram are its low requirements in the coherence of the recording and reconstructing light and also its insensitivity to the vibrations of the setup during recording.
Yuri N. Denisyuk and Nina A. Savostyanenko "Three-dimensional imaging by means of a reference-free selectogram recorded in a thick-layered light-sensitive material," Optical Engineering 35(2), (1 February 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.600928
Published: 1 February 1996
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Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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3D image reconstruction


Diffraction gratings

3D image processing

Photosensitive materials




Window effect of a 3D deep hologram as a base...
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