1 June 1996 High-speed recording of full-parallax holographic stereograms by a parallel exposure system
Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideaki Endoh, Takahiro Koyama, Nagaaki Ohyama
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A full-parallax holographic stereogram, which is suitable for the holographic 3-D printer (holoprinter), is being developed for the output device of three-dimensional (3-D) image hard copies of computer data. A new optical system of the holoprinter for high-speed printing is presented. The new optical system realizes the parallel exposure of elementary holograms using an array of small lenses and reduction optics. In the experiment, 12 elementary holograms were simultaneously exposed by each exposure, and the printing speed became about 10 times faster than the previous experiments, since each exposure time was almost equivalent to the case of the conventional single exposure. The effect of the alignment error of the lens array is also described.
Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideaki Endoh, Takahiro Koyama, and Nagaaki Ohyama "High-speed recording of full-parallax holographic stereograms by a parallel exposure system," Optical Engineering 35(6), (1 June 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.600739
Published: 1 June 1996
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Cited by 7 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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