1 July 1997 Fiber grating systems used to measure strain in cylindrical structures
Eric Udd, Kelli Corona-Bittick, Kerry T. Slattery, Donald James Dorr, C. Robert Crowe, Terry L. Vandiver, Robert N. Evans
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Fiber optic grating systems are described that have been used to measure strain in cylindrical structures. The applications of these systems to a composite utility pole and to a composite missile body are described. Composite utility poles have significant advantages with respect to wooden utility poles that include superior strength and uniformity; light weight for ease of deployment; the ability to be recycled, reducing hazardous waste associated with chemically treated wooden poles; and compatibility with embedded fiber optic sensors, allowing structural loads to be monitored. Tests conducted of fiber optic grating sensors in combination with an overcoupled coupler demodulation system to support structural testing of a 22-ft composite pole are reported. Monitoring strain in composite missile bodies has the potential to improve the quality of manufactured parts, support performance testing, and enhance safety during long periods of storage. Strain measurements made with fiber optic grating and electrical strain gauges are described.
Eric Udd, Kelli Corona-Bittick, Kerry T. Slattery, Donald James Dorr, C. Robert Crowe, Terry L. Vandiver, and Robert N. Evans "Fiber grating systems used to measure strain in cylindrical structures," Optical Engineering 36(7), (1 July 1997). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601408
Published: 1 July 1997
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Cited by 6 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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