1 April 2014 Perceptual evaluation of color transformed multispectral imagery
Alexander Toet, Michael J. de Jong, Maarten A. Hogervorst, Ignace T. Hooge
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Funded by: USAF, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Material Command, USAF
Color remapping can give multispectral imagery a realistic appearance. We assessed the practical value of this technique in two observer experiments using monochrome intensified (II) and long-wave infrared (IR) imagery, and color daylight (REF) and fused multispectral (CF) imagery. First, we investigated the amount of detail observers perceive in a short timespan. REF and CF imagery yielded the highest precision and recall measures, while II and IR imagery yielded significantly lower values. This suggests that observers have more difficulty in extracting information from monochrome than from color imagery. Next, we measured eye fixations during free image exploration. Although the overall fixation behavior was similar across image modalities, the order in which certain details were fixated varied. Persons and vehicles were typically fixated first in REF, CF, and IR imagery, while they were fixated later in II imagery. In some cases, color remapping II imagery and fusion with IR imagery restored the fixation order of these image details. We conclude that color remapping can yield enhanced scene perception compared to conventional monochrome nighttime imagery, and may be deployed to tune multispectral image representations such that the resulting fixation behavior resembles the fixation behavior corresponding to daylight color imagery.
© 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2014/$25.00 © 2014 SPIE
Alexander Toet, Michael J. de Jong, Maarten A. Hogervorst, and Ignace T. Hooge "Perceptual evaluation of color transformed multispectral imagery," Optical Engineering 53(4), 043101 (1 April 2014). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.53.4.043101
Published: 1 April 2014
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Infrared imaging

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