Liquid crystal devices avoid using standard solutions that involve mechanisms with rotatory polarization optical parts. Instead, we use this technology that minimizes the size, mass and power consumption of the device while maximizing its useful aperture and performance. These new capabilities open up new possibilities for small satellites that were previously only attainable by larger satellites. Liquid crystal-based polarization modulator technology is highly versatile and can be configured in multiple ways to suit diverse applications. It is based on the ability of liquid crystal variable retarders to control, modify and measure the polarization state of light, be it in an image or in a spot beam.
The application fields are numerous, from Astrophysics to Earth Observation. This work will introduce some of the main instruments that we are working on: from the Vigil ESA mission for Space Weather to Quantum Communication Space Systems, and including the Miniature Absolute Magnetometer for the NanoMagSat mission of ESA’s SCOUT Program. Also, we will show the development status of other liquid-crystal devices for compact space instrumentation that we are developing as Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters (LCTFs) and Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs).
In October 2023, the INTA spinoff Eye4Sky was established to the exploitation and commercialization of this optical technology of liquid crystal devices for space applications. This deep-tech startup has been selected for the prestigious European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre (ESA BIC) program.
Liquid crystal variable retarders (LCVRs) will be used in the polarization modulation packages (PMPs) of the instruments SO/PHI (Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager) and METIS/COR (Multielement Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy, Coronagraph) of the Solar Orbiter Mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). Optical retarders are dependent on the angle of incidence (AOI). Since the optical retardances during the polarization modulations are optimized for a particular AOI, other angles increase the polarimetric measurement error. Coronagraphs, such as METIS, are characterized by having wide field-of-view (FoV), which involves large incidence angles through the entire instrument. METIS PMP will work with collimated beams and an AOI up to ±7.0 deg. For this reason, a double LCVR configuration with molecular tilts in opposite directions was selected for METIS PMP, which provides lower angular dependence. The polarimetric performance of the METIS PMP flight model was measured at different AOIs and compared to a single LCVR PMP. The results shown in this paper demonstrate that the functional concept used in METIS guarantees the polarimetric performances at the wide FoV expected in METIS coronagraph. Moreover, a detailed theoretical model is showed and compared to the experimental data, finding successful agreement, which can be very helpful for the design of instruments characterized by wide FoV.
Among other aberrations, the beam phase control can act on the level of focus. In space optical applications image refocusing is usually performed by means of mechanisms, either by using linear displacement of lenses or rotating wheels with plates with different thicknesses. The compactness and absence of mechanical parts of LCOS-SLM can be of great advantage for these applications. LCOS-SLM can save complexity and weight. It also reduces the risk associated to the wear of moving parts.
However, this technology has not been qualified for space applications. Liquid crystal leaks as well as outgassing issues may result as a consequence of a low pressure environment. Thermal issues can also result in loss of device homogeneity and the radiation tolerance should be analyzed. In any case, an exhaustive space simulation test is mandatory to increase the Technological Readiness Level of these devices for their use in space systems.
In our work we are showing preliminary test of a commercial LCOS-SLM under thermo-vacuum conditions. These tests are basic calibrations used to evaluate performance and degradation in a simulated space environment. Different calibration procedures are also discussed. This technology, with potential to greatly simplify an instrument design, was included in a proposal for the instrument IMaX+ spectro-polarimeter, to be onboard the mission Sunrise III, within the NASA Long Duration Balloon program.
Space environment characteristics which effects on the optical system have to be taken into account are: outgassing, volatile components, gas or water vapor which form part of the spacecraft materials, vacuum, microgravity, micrometeorites, space debris, thermal, mechanical and radiation environment and effects of the high atmosphere [1].
This work is focused on analyzing temperature variations and ultraviolet (UV) and gamma radiation effects on the optical properties of several glasses used on space applications.
Thermal environment is composed of radiation from the Sun, the albedo and the Earth radiation and the radiation from the spacecraft to deep space. Flux and influence of temperature on satellite materials depend on factors as the period of year or the position of them on the space system. Taking into account that the transfer mechanisms of heat are limited by the conduction and the radiation, high gradients of temperature are obtained in system elements which can cause changes of their optical properties, birefringence… Also, these thermal cycles can introduce mechanical loads into material structure due to the expansion and the contraction of the material leading to mechanical performances degradation [2].
However, it is the radiation environment the main cause of damage on optical properties of materials used on space instrumentation. This environment consists of a wide range of energetic particles between keV and MeV which are trapped by the geomagnetic field or are flux of particles that cross the Earth environment from the external of the Solar System [3].
The damage produced by the radiation environment on the optical materials can be classified in two types: ionizing or non-ionizing. This damage may produce continual or accumulative (dose) alterations on the optical material performances, or may produce alterations which not remain along the time (transitory effects). The effects of the radiation on optical materials can be summarized on changes of optical transmission and refractive index, variation of density and superficial degradation [4-6].
Two non-invasive and non-destructive techniques such as Optical Spectrum Analyzer and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry [7] have been used to characterize optically the three kinds of studied glasses, CaF2, Fused Silica and Clearceram.
The study of the temperature and radiation effects on the glasses optical properties showed that the gamma radiation is the principal responsible of glasses optical degradation. The optical properties of the Clearceram glass have been affected by the gamma irradiation due to the absorption bands induced by the radiation in the visible spectral range (color centers). Therefore, an analysis about the behavior of these color centers with the gamma radiation total dose and with the time after the irradiation has been carried out in the same way that it is performed in [8].
The LCVRs will be used to measure the complete Stokes vector of the incoming light in PHI (The Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager for Solar Orbiter) and the linear polarization in the case of METIS (Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy). PHI is an imaging spectro-polarimeter that will acquire high resolution solar magnetograms. On the other hand, METIS is a solar coronagraph that will analyze the linear polarization for observations of the visible-light K-corona.
The polarization modulators are described in this work including the optical, mechanical, thermal and electrical aspects. Both modulators will consist of two identical LCVRs with a relative azimuth orientation of 45° for PHI and parallel for the METIS modulator. In the first case, the configuration allows the analysis of the full Stockes vector with maximum polarimetric efficiencies. In the second setup, wide acceptance angles (≤±4°) are obtained.
The polarization modulators will be thermal controlled to reach a stability better than ±0.5°C during the measurement acquisition time (≤60s) under all the operational thermal conditions. This is required to fulfill the required polarimetric accuracy (≤10-3), because the LCVRs behavior has a dependence on temperature. The mechanical design has been conceived to minimize mass, volume and the thermal conductivity as well as the mechanical stress produced by the mounts to the cells, but taking into account the vibration environment due to the launch loads that the device shall withstand. Additionally, the optical clear aperture has been maximized and the design avoids breaks due to thermo-elastic deformations produced during the thermal cycling.
Finally, the electrical cables and connections have been designed to obtain a very compact, modular and robust device.
PHI will consist of two telescopes: The High Resolution Telescope (HRT)[1] and the Full Disk Telescope (FDT). The HRT and the FDT will view the Sun through entrance windows located in the S/C heat shield. These windows act as heat rejecting filters with a transmission band of about 30 nm width centered on the science wavelength, such that the total transmittance (integral over the filter curve weighted with solar spectrum, including white leakage plus transmission profile of the pass band) does not exceed 4% of the total energy falling onto the window [2][3].
The HREW filter has been designed by SELEX in the framework of an ESA led technology development activity under original ESTEC contract No. 20018/06/NL/CP[4], and extensions thereof. For FDT HREW SLEX will provide the windows and it coatings.
The HREW consists of two parallel-plane substrate plates (window 1 & window 2)[5] made of SUPRASIL 300 with a central thickness of 9 mm and a wedge of 30 arcsec each. These two substrates are each coated on both sides with four different coatings. These coatings and the choice of SUPRASIL help to minimize the optical absorptivity in the substrate and to radiatively decouple the HREW, which is expected to run at high temperatures during perihelion passages, from the PHI instrument cavity.
The temperature distribution of the HREW is driven by two main factors: the mechanical mounting of the substrates to the feedthrough, and the radiative environment within the heat-shield/feedthrough assembly.
The mechanical mount must ensure the correct integration of both suprasil substrates in its correct position and minimize the loads in windows due to thermal induced deformations and launching vibration environment.
All the subsystem must survive to a launching vibration environment and fulfill optical requirements in an environmental conditions according o its position in the external part of the spacecraft with a pressure of 0.0013Pa and a temperature -163°C<T<230°C.
Solar Orbiter observing mission around the Sun will expose the PHI instrument to extreme radiation conditions, mainly dominated by solar high-energy particles released during severe solar events (protons with energies typically ranging from few keV up to several GeV) and the continuous isotropic background flux of galactic cosmic rays (heavy ions, from Z=1 to Z=92). The main concerns are whether the cumulated radiation damage can degrade the functionality of the filter or, in the worst case, the impact of a single highly ionizing particle, coupled with the HV field, could trigger a dielectric breakdown in the Lithium Niobate.
In this paper we present the electro-optical results obtained when exposing a set of LN samples and a lowquality full size etalon to different radiation conditions. In a first irradiation campaign, performed at the Centre for Micro Analysis of Materials (CMAM-Madrid) facilities, we were mainly focused on the long-term degradation effects with a series of high flux (109 cm-2 s-1) proton tests at an energy of 10 MeV. In order to study the possibility of a single ion breakdown, a second campaign was carried out, at the Texas A&M University (TAMU), exposing Lithium Niobate to high LET ion species (78Kr, 40Ar, 129Xe, 197Au) accelerated to the GeV energy range to penetrate or even pass through the entire Lithium Niobate thickness.
The temperature gradient on the HREW during the mission produces a distortion of the transmitted wave-front due to the dependence of the refractive index with the temperature (thermo-optic effect) mainly. The purpose of this work is to determine the capability of the PHI/FDT refocusing system to compensate this distortion.
A thermal gradient profile has been considered for each surface of the plates and a thermal-elastic analysis has been done by Finite Element Analysis to determine the deformation of the optical elements. The Optical Path Difference (OPD) between the incident and transmitted wavefronts has been calculated as a function of the ray tracing and the thermo-optic effect on the optical properties of Suprasil (at the work wavelength of PHI) by means of mathematical algorithms based on the 3D Snell Law. The resultant wavefronts have been introduced in the optical design of the FDT to evaluate the performance degradation of the image at the scientific focal plane and to estimate the capability of the PHI refocusing system for maintaining the image quality diffraction-limited. The analysis has been carried out considering two different situations: thermal gradients due to on axis attitude of the instrument and thermal gradients due to 1° off pointing attitude. The effect over the boresight at the instrument focal plane has also been analyzed.
The results show that the effect of the FDT HREW thermal gradients on the FDT performance can be optically corrected. The influence of the thermal gradients on the system is also presented.
The polarization modulators are described in this work including the optical, mechanical, thermal and electrical aspects. Both modulators will consist of two identical LCVRs with a relative azimuth orientation of 45º for PHI and parallel for the METIS modulator. In the first case, the configuration allows the analysis of the full Stokes vector with maximum polarimetric efficiencies. In the second setup, wide acceptance angles (≤ ±7°) are obtained.
This works presents the preliminary results obtained for the full representative prototypes from the verification and environmental test campaign in progress currently. The main performances were measured and analyzed including polarimetric efficiencies, wavefront error transmission, beam deviation and transmittance. This valuable information will allow to consolidate the detailed design of these devices increasing its TRL to 6 and to proceed to the manufacturing of the Qualification Model (QM) and Flight Models (FM).
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