Two new technological process flows for the piezoresistive position detection of resonant and quasistatic micro scanning mirrors were developed to increase sensitivities by a factor of 3:6 compared to former sensors, improve signal to noise ratio of the sensor signal and to allow controlled feedback loop operation. The sensor types use differently doped and deposited silicon. One is based on single crystal silicon with a pn-junction to isolate the active sensor area from the device layer silicon, the other one is based on a deposited and structured polysilicon. The sensor characteristics are compared including light, temperature dependence and reliability results.
Experimental results of a large scanning grating with a diameter of 5mm and 1 kHz scan frequency are discussed. An optical diffraction grating is fabricated on a mirror single crystal silicon plate to scan the first diffraction order in the MIR-wavelength range over a quantum cascade laser facet. Special emphasis is on the development of the grating technology module to integrate it with high accuracy and reproducibility into the IPMS AME75 process flow. The principle EC-QCL setup with the scanning grating is described and first measurement results concerning laser output power and tuning range are presented.
In this paper the authors report about the six inch wafer level vacuum packaging of electro-statically driven two dimensional micro-mirrors. The packaging was done by means of two types of wafer bonding methods: anodic and glass frit. The resulting chips after dicing are 4 mm wide, 6 mm long and 1.6 mm high and the residual pressure inside the package after dicing was estimated to be between 2 and 20 mbar. This allowed us to reduce the driving voltage of the micro-mirrors by more than 40% compared to the driving voltage without vacuum packaging. The vacuum stability after 5 months was verified by measurement using the so called “membrane method”. Persistence of the vacuum was proven. No getter materials were used for packaging.
Fraunhofer IPMS developed a new type of small-sized scanning mirror for Laser projection systems in mobile
applications. The device consists of a single crystal mirror plate of 1 mm diameter in a gimbal mounting enabling a bi-resonant
oscillation of both axes at a resonance frequency of about 100 Hz and 27 kHz respectively. The mechanical
scan angle (MSA) achieved is ± 7° for the slow and ± 12° for the fast axis. The mirror angle position and phase can be
read out via two piezo-resistive sensors located at the torsion axes. In order to allow for a minimum device size of the
resonantly driven slow axis the sensor of the inner fast axis was connected by a new kind of thin silicon conductors.
Those are created by means of an etch stop in TMAH etch and kept as thin as possible in order to reduce their
contribution to the mechanical stiffness of the mirror-supporting structures. This new system enables to lead six (or even
more) independent electrical potentials onto the moving parts of the device, whereas the mechanical properties are
mainly determined by only 2 torsion axes. The devices were subsequently characterized and tested. Technology details,
simulation results, pictures of the device and the new conductor structures as well as measurement results are presented.
In 2007 IPMS and MVIS presented the results of a full colour scanned beam imaging system. In this paper we will in
addition give an update on the technological development on die level since the last paper. The already small die size of
3000 μm × 2300 μm was further reduced to less than 2000 μm × 2000 μm. The new devices consist of a moveable
frame oscillating at frequencies in the range of 700 Hz - 900 Hz and 1400 Hz - 1800 Hz carrying a mirror of 350 μm
diameter in a gimbal mounting. The mirrors oscillate at frequencies in the range of 13-15 kHz. The characteristic
mechanical amplitudes are 21° MSA (mechanical scan angle) for the frame and 28° MSA for the mirror respectively.
Voltages of less than 50 V for the frame and 100 V for the mirror were necessary to accomplish this. The improved
MEMS device design is presented as well as the related measurement results. The images of various objects taken with
an optical system using the former devices are presented revealing the excellent resolution of such a system and
enabling an outlook on the possibilities of the new device.
In this paper we present a novel translatory MOEMS device with extraordinary large stroke especially designed for fast
optical path modulation in an improved miniaturized Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer capable to perform
time resolved measurements from NIR to MIR. Recently, we presented a first MOEMS based FTIR system using a
different translatory MOEMS actuator with bending suspensions of the mirror plate and ±100μm oscillation amplitude
resulting in a limited spectral resolution of 30 cm-1.
For the novel MOEMS actuator an advanced pantograph suspension of the mirror plate was used to guarantee an
extraordinary large stroke of up to 500 μm required for an improved spectral resolution. To optimize the optical
throughput of the spectrometer the mirror aperture was increased to 7 mm2. The MOEMS actuators are driven electro
statically resonant using out-of-plane comb drives and operate at a resonant frequency of 500 (1000) Hz, respectively.
Hence, this enables to realize an improved MOEMS based FTIR-spectrometer with a spectral resolution of up to 10 cm-1,
a SNR of > 1000:1 and an acquisition time of 1 ms per spectrum of the miniaturized FTIR-system.
In this article we discuss in detail the design and the experimental characteristics of the novel large stroke translatory
MOEMS device. The application and system integration, especially the optical vacuum packaging, of this MOEMS
device in an improved miniaturized MOEMS based FTIR spectrometer enabling ultra rapid measurements in the NIRMIR
spectral region with 12cm-1 spectral resolution is discussed in a separate paper submitted to this conference.
A technology approach is presented which enables an initial permanent counter electrode deflection of planar out of
plane comb drive actuators allowing quasistatic operation of an electrostatic microscanner. The device is assembled by
mounting a top wafer with salient stamps onto a mirror wafer. The commonly fix in plane counter electrode parts on the
mirror wafer are connected to deflectable platforms via a mechanical structure of coupled hinges. During the wafers
assembly the down pressing stamps displace the platforms and result in a predefined permanent out of plane counter
comb deflection.
We present several types of translatory MOEMS actuators developed for fast optical-path-length modulation [e.g., in confocal microscopes or Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers] and their application on miniaturized FTIR spectrometers capable of performing time-resolved measurements from the near infrared to the mid infrared. The MOEMS devices are manufactured in a complementary metal oxide semi conductor compatible silicon-on-insulator process. They are electrostatically resonant, driven using in-plane comb drives. A first translatory 5-kHz MOEMS device is used in a first prototype of a miniaturized MOEMS-based FTIR spectrometer where the MOEMS actuator replaces the macroscopic mirror drive, enabling a miniaturized, robust, and low-cost FTIR system. The mirror plate of 1.65 mm2 is suspended by bending springs. Due to the resonant operation, a 200-µm stroke can be achieved with low voltages (<40 V) at an ambient pressure below 500 Pa. Consequently, this yields a spectral resolution of 25 cm−1 and an acquisition time of 200 µs per spectrum. In addition, we present a novel MOEMS device with an increased mirror aperture of 7.1 mm2 and pantograph-like mirror suspension enabling up to a 500-µm stroke. This device is specifically optimized for miniaturized FTIR spectrometers to enable an improved spectral resolution of 10 cm−1 and a signal-to-noise ratio of >1000:1.
We present two designs of two-dimensional gimbal microscanners with low vertical-scan frequencies of 70 Hz and
330 Hz and a high horizontal scan frequency of 30 kHz. The scanners are fabricated in a 30 μm silicon-on-insulator
with backside structures for both mirror and gimbal-frame. The backside structure under the frame increases the
frame weight and effectively reduces the resonant frequency of the rotation springs. The slow vertical scan can
thus be achieved without reducing the spring width dramatically. A patterned backside structure also reinforces
the mirror plate during actuation such that the root-mean-square dynamic deformation of the 1 mm diameter
mirror is less than 44 nm (λ/10 for blue) at 10 degrees mechanical scan angle. A microscanner is installed into
a prototype laser projector to demonstrate its capability of producing high quality images.
In this paper we present a MOEMS based miniaturized Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer capable to
perform time resolved measurements from NIR to MIR. The FTIR-spectrometer is based on a MOEMS translatory
actuator which replaces the macroscopic mirror drive enabling a miniaturized, robust and low cost FTIR system. The
MOEMS device is manufactured in a CMOS compatible process using SOI technology. Due to the electrostatic driving
principle based on in-plane electrode combs, 200 μm stroke can be achieved with comparatively low voltages (<40 V) at
an ambient pressure below 500 Pa. The actuator plate, acting as mirror with an area of 1.65 mm2, operates at a resonant
frequency of 5 kHz. Consequently this yields a maximum spectral resolution of 25 cm-1 and an acquisition time of
200 μs per spectrum. Based on a Michelson setup the infrared optical bench of the presented FTIR system is designed to
account for the mirror aperture and the desired spectral bandwidth of 2 μm to 5 μm. The integrated signal processing
electronics has to cope with a bandwidth of 8 MHz as a result of the mirror motion. A digital signal processor manages
system control and data processing. The high acquisition rate and integration level of the system makes it appropriate for
applications like process control and surveillance of fast reactions. First results of transmission and absorbance
measurements are shown. In addition we present a novel MOEMS device with increased mirror aperture and stroke
which will be used for further optimization of the spectral FTIR-resolution.
A new two-dimensional and resonantly driven scanning micro mirror has been simulated, fabricated and characterized.
Features are a small chip size of 2900 μm x 2350 μm with a frame oscillating at frequencies in the range of 1 kHz. The
frame carries a mirror of 500 μm diameter in a gimbal mounting oscillating at frequencies in the range of 16 kHz. The
characteristic mechanical amplitudes are 21o and 28o respectively. Voltages of 60 V and less than 140 V were necessary
to accomplish this. Much higher amplitudes have been achieved on the mirror axis without breaking the torsion bars.
Initial difficulties in realizing the high amplitudes have been overcome by improving the geometry of the suspension.
The initial design is presented as well as the measurement results of the initial and improved design. The device was
used to develop a micro laser camera with high depth of focus. Pictures taken with the system are presented revealing
the excellent resolution.
In 2004, Microvision presented "Scanned Beam Medical Imager" as an introduction to our MEMS-based, full
color scanned beam imaging system. This presentation will provide an update of the technological advancements since
this initial work from 2004. This recent work includes the development of functional prototypes that are much smaller
than previous prototypes using a design architecture that is easily scalable. Performance has been significantly
improved by increasing the optical field of views and video refresh rate. Real-time image processing capabilities have
been developed to enhance the image quality and functionality over a wide range of operating conditions. Actual
images of various objects will be presented.
We present a Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer where a micro-electro-opto-mechanical system (MOEMS) replaces the macroscopic mirror drive enabling a miniaturized, robust and low cost system. The MOEMS devices are manufactured in a CMOS compatible process on a Silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate. The device consists of a metallized actuator plate with an area of 1.65 mm2 acting as mirror, bearing springs and electrodes for the electrostatic drive. Due to the driving principle based on in-plane electrode combs, 200 μm translatory displacement can be achieved with comparatively low voltages (<40 V) at an ambient pressure below 500 Pa. The actuator operates at a resonant frequency of 5 kHz. Consequently this yields a maximum spectral resolution of 25 cm-1 and an acquisition time of 200 μs per spectrum. Based on a Michelson setup the infrared optical bench of the presented FTIR system is designed to account for the mirror aperture and the desired spectral bandwidth of 2 μm to 5μm. The integrated signal processing electronics has to cope with a bandwidth of 8 MHz as a result of the mirror motion. A digital signal processor manages system control and data processing. Furthermore, high-level analysis algorithms can be applied without the need of an external PC. The high acquisition rate and integration level of the system makes it appropriate for applications like process control and surveillance of fast reactions. First results of transmission and absorbance measurements are shown.
A novel translational micro mirror with a circular shape of 3 mm diameter and oscillation frequencies of 500 Hz and 1000 Hz is presented including a design study based on analytical and numerical calculations. The study takes mechanical limits like stress and shock resistivity into account as well as fabrication issues resulting in the design points presented. Considerations and results of this study including stress limits for single crystalline silicon and a FE analysis of the main oscillation mode of the resonant structure will be illustrated. Based on an SOI process with 30 μm thick and highly doped single crystalline silicon several devices were fabricated. For the characterization of the devices a Michelson interferometer set-up was used which allows determining the voltage-deflection curves as a function of the air pressure. Deflections of more than ± 50 μm for the 500 Hz device and ± 85 μm for the 1000 Hz have been achieved at a pressure of 10 Pa. The target is at ± 250 μm and ± 180 μm amplitude. In the outlook packaging requirements and approaches will be shown.
A monolithic resonant micro actuator was developed, fabricated by CMOS-compatible micro machining technology, tested and evaluated. The component is able to measure acceleration in at least two directions. The device made of single-crystal silicon oscillates perpendicularly to the surface plane at a constant frequency in the 8 kHz range. A square-pulse shaped voltage of double the oscillation frequency drives it. It comprises an oscillating plate with a capacitance formed by interdigitating comb fingers. The acceleration in the direction orthogonal to the surface plane is detected by comparing the position of the plate to a reference plane. Without acceleration applied the position is centred in average. Upon acceleration the crossover point of the oscillation is shifted and the magnitude of acceleration can be related to the difference. The acceleration in a second direction can be measured by the common way of comparing e.g. the change of capacitance of two electrodes to each other. The component’s stability in frequency and amplitude during testing is shown. Simulation and measurement data is presented and compared.
Light and electricity are said to be the all purpose tools for the next decades. Photonic Microsystems combine this tools in an ideal manner: They are electronically addressable devices with an optical functionality allowing to modulate light temporally and/or spatially. Further, they take advantage of high integration density, high reliability, high bandwidth and low cost fabrication for serial production. While in some cases Photonic Microsystem Technology is focused on the replacement of conventional devices, the majority of developments uses the unique potential of this technology to create devices based on novel principles with extended or even new functionality for advanced applications. Products based on Photonic Microsystem Technology have already entered or are only a few steps away from entering the market in various fields e.g. in information and communication technology, medicine, biology and metrology. This paper gives an overview of the Photonic Microsystems development activities with special emphasis on devices for light deflection and light modulation. Single micro mirrors e.g. for scanning or laser beam positioning are as well presented and discussed as micro mirror arrays and membrane mirrors for image generation and phase modulation. Technology trends are derived from the current development activities and an outlook to future work is given.
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