Dr. Eleni A. Drakaki
SPIE Involvement:
Area of Expertise:
Physics , Spectroscopy , Laser applications , Biophotonics , Biomedical applications , Lasers in works of art
Profile Summary

Dr. Eleni Drakaki is a collaborated physics researcher in UOA, in NTUA and in TEI at Athens, Greece. She holds a BSc Degree in Physics, MSc degree in Physical Sciences and Technologies and a PhD in interaction of laser radiation into biological tissues and metallic objects at Physics Department from the NTUA, Greece. She has been also employed as Research Assistant in the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF). She has been involved in R&D projects funded from organizations such as the European Union, the Ministry of Development, the Ministry of Education and others.
She has considerable experience:

A. in the area of laser-tissue interactions. Her research interests include clinical studies preferred including measurements on human tissue samples in-vivo and in-vitro, photodynamic therapy and photodiagnosis, optical imaging and fluorescence / reflectance spectroscopy of tissues and tissue simulators, development of laser optical systems for biomedical purposes, digital processing of biological signals and the theoretical study of light propagation through light transport models.

B. in the laser cleaning on metal works of arts and LIBS, XRF, SEM as analytical techniques for the monitoring of laser cleaning processing. Her research interests in this field include the study of the optimal choice of laser in the process of rescuing metal heritage. She had concentrated her research on a specific field of artworks, the coins, (new, ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine), on which she investigated the potential of laser cleaning techniques for conservation. The tests were carried out in different wavelengths and different pulse durations of QS, LQS and FR Nd: YAG laser, TEA-CO2 laser, or FR and QS Er: YAG laser, GaAlAs diode and Ti-Sapphire laser, evaluating in each specific case which of the laser systems seem more appropriate.

She has more than 50 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Publications (18)

Proceedings Article | 8 January 2015 Paper
E. Drakaki, M. Makropoulou, A. Serafetinides, N. Merlemis, I. Kalatzis, I. Sianoudis, O. Batsi, E. Christofidou, A. Stratigos, A. Katsambas, Ch. Antoniou
Proceedings Volume 9447, 94470Y (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2175647
KEYWORDS: Skin, Tissues, Luminescence, Spectroscopy, Diagnostics, Laser induced fluorescence, Skin cancer, Biopsy, Laser tissue interaction, Collagen

SPIE Journal Paper | 6 March 2014 Open Access
Eleni Drakaki, Clio Dessinioti, Alexander Stratigos, Carmen Salavastru, Christina Antoniou
JBO, Vol. 19, Issue 03, 030901, (March 2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.19.3.030901
KEYWORDS: Luminescence, Tissues, Skin, Laser induced fluorescence, Tumors, Diagnostics, Skin cancer, Photodynamic therapy, Spectroscopy, Cancer

SPIE Journal Paper | 9 July 2013 Open Access
JBO, Vol. 18, Issue 07, 075002, (July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.18.7.075002
KEYWORDS: Skin, Tissues, Monte Carlo methods, Photodynamic therapy, Natural surfaces, Laser induced fluorescence, Temperature metrology, Thermal modeling, Luminescence, Optical simulations

SPIE Journal Paper | 17 December 2012 Open Access
Eleni Drakaki, Theognosia Vergou, Clio Dessinioti, Alexander Stratigos, Carmen Salavastru, Christina Antoniou
JBO, Vol. 18, Issue 06, 061221, (December 2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.061221
KEYWORDS: Skin, Tissues, Luminescence, Optical coherence tomography, Confocal microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Spectroscopy, Skin cancer, Tumors, Diagnostics

Proceedings Article | 29 February 2012 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8337, 83370E (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.923741
KEYWORDS: Skin, Laser tissue interaction, Monte Carlo methods, Tissue optics, Natural surfaces, Tissues, Photodynamic therapy, Temperature metrology, Laser induced fluorescence, Optical simulations

Showing 5 of 18 publications
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