Jenna L. Kloosterman
at Univ of Arizona
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (6)

Proceedings Article | 23 July 2014 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9153, 91531R (2014)
KEYWORDS: Terahertz radiation, Receivers, Quantum cascade lasers, Heterodyning, Telescopes, Gas lasers, Stars, Oscillators, Temperature metrology, Spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 27 September 2012 Paper
Jenna Kloosterman, Tiara Cottam, Brandon Swift, David Lesser, Paul Schickling, Christopher Groppi, Michael Borden, Allison Towner, Per Schmidt, Craig Kulesa, Christian d'Aubigny, Christopher Walker, Dathon Golish, Sander Weinreb, Glenn Jones, Hamdi Mani, Jacob Kooi, Art Lichtenberger, Patrick Puetz, Gopal Narayanan
Proceedings Volume 8452, 845204 (2012)
KEYWORDS: Clouds, Heterodyning, Integrated optics, Spectroscopy, Waveguides, Electronics, Photography, Signal processing, Relays, Mirrors

Proceedings Article | 28 July 2010 Paper
C. Walker, C. Kulesa, P. Bernasconi, H. Eaton, N. Rolander, C. Groppi, J. Kloosterman, T. Cottam, D. Lesser, C. Martin, A. Stark, D. Neufeld, C. Lisse, D. Hollenbach, J. Kawamura, P. Goldsmith, W. Langer, H. Yorke, J. Sterne, A. Skalare, I. Mehdi, S. Weinreb, J. Kooi, J. Stutzki, U. Graf, M. Brasse, C. Honingh, R. Simon, M. Akyilmaz, P. Puetz, Mark Wolfire
Proceedings Volume 7733, 77330N (2010)
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Terahertz radiation, Receivers, Observatories, Spectroscopy, Electronics, Signal processing, Stars, Clouds, Control systems

Proceedings Article | 15 July 2010 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7741, 77410Z (2010)
KEYWORDS: Heterodyning, Terahertz radiation, Receivers, Spectroscopy, Stars, Spectral resolution, Oscillators, Cryogenics, Astronomy, Micromachining

Proceedings Article | 15 July 2010 Paper
Christopher Groppi, Christopher Walker, Craig Kulesa, Dathon Golish, Jenna Kloosterman, Sander Weinreb, Glenn Jones, Joseph Bardin, Hamdi Mani, Tom Kuiper, Jacob Kooi, Art Lichtenberger, Thomas Cecil, Patrick Puetz, Gopal Narayanan, Abigail Hedden
Proceedings Volume 7741, 77410X (2010)
KEYWORDS: Spectroscopy, Telescopes, Galactic astronomy, Clouds, Stars, Amplifiers, Waveguides, Receivers, Cryogenics, Mirrors

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