Quantification of leukocyte subpopulations and characterization of antigen-expression pattern on the cellular
surface can play an important role in diagnostics. The state of cellular immunology on the single-cell level
was analyzed by polychromatic flow cytometry in a recent comparative study within the average Leipzig
population (LIFE - Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases). Data of 1699 subjects were recorded
over a long-time period of three years (in a total of 1126 days). To ensure compatibility of such huge data
sets, quality-controls on many levels (stability of instrumentation, low intra-laboratory variance and reader independent
data analysis) are essential. The LIFE study aims to analyze various cytometric pattern to reveal
the relationship between the life-style, the environmental effects and the individual health. We therefore
present here a multi-step quality control procedure for long-term comparative studies.
Myocardial infarction (MI) is an acute life-threatening disease with a high incidence worldwide. Aim of this study was to test lectin-carbohydrate binding-induced red blood cell (RBC) agglutination as an innovative tool for fast, precise and cost effective diagnosis of MI. Five lectins (Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA), Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin (PHA), Datura stramonium agglutinin (DSA), Artocarpus agglutinin (ArA), Triticum agglutinin (TA)) were tested for ability to differentiate between agglutination characteristics in patients with MI (n = 101) or angina pectoris without MI (AP) (n = 34) and healthy volunteers (HV) as control (n =68) . RBC agglutination was analyzed by light absorbance of a stirred RBC suspension in the green to red light spectrum in an agglutimeter (amtec, Leipzig, Germany) for 15 min after lectin addition. Mean cell count in aggregates was estimated from light absorbance by a mathematical model. Each lectin induced RBC agglutination. RCA led to the strongest RBC agglutination (~500 RBCs/aggregate), while the others induced substantially slower agglutination and lead to smaller aggregate sizes (5-150 RBCs/aggregate). For all analyzed lectins the lectin-induced RBC agglutination of MI or AP patients was generally higher than for HV. However, only PHA induced agglutination that clearly distinguished MI from HV. Variance analysis showed that aggregate size after 15 min. agglutination induced by PHA was significantly higher in the MI group (143 RBCs/ aggregate) than in the HV (29 RBC-s/aggregate, p = 0.000). We hypothesize that pathological changes during MI induce modification of the carbohydrate composition on the RBC membrane and thus modify RBC agglutination. Occurrence of carbohydrate-lectin binding sites on RBC membranes provides evidence about MI. Due to significant difference in the rate of agglutination between MI > HV the differentiation between these groups is possible based on PHA-induced RBC-agglutination. This novel assay could serve as a rapid, cost effective valuable new tool for diagnosis of MI.
Toxicity test of new chemicals belongs to the first steps in the drug screening, using different cultured cell lines. However, primary human cells represent the human organism better than cultured tumor derived cell lines. We developed a very gentle toxicity assay for isolation and incubation of human peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and tested it using different bioactive oligopeptides (OP). Effects of different PBL isolation methods (red blood cell lysis; Histopaque isolation among others), different incubation tubes (e.g. FACS tubes), anticoagulants and blood sources on PBL viability were tested using propidium iodide-exclusion as viability measure (incubation time: 60 min, 36°C) and flow cytometry. Toxicity concentration and time-depended effects (10-60 min, 36 °C, 0-100 μg /ml of OP) on human PBL were analyzed. Erythrocyte lysis by hypotonic shock (dH2O) was the fastest PBL isolation method with highest viability (>85%) compared to NH4Cl-Lysis (49%). Density gradient centrifugation led to neutrophil granulocyte cell loss. Heparin anticoagulation resulted in higher viability than EDTA. Conical 1.5 mL and 2 mL micro-reaction tubes (both polypropylene (PP)) had the highest viability (99% and 97%) compared to other tubes, i.e. three types of 5.0 mL round-bottom tubes PP (opaque-60%), PP (blue-62%), Polystyrene (PS-64%). Viability of PBL did not differ between venous and capillary blood. A gentle reproducible preparation and analytical toxicity-assay for human PBL was developed and evaluated. Using our assay toxicity, time-course, dose-dependence and aggregate formation by OP could be clearly differentiated and quantified. This novel assay enables for rapid and cost effective multiparametric toxicological screening and pharmacological testing on primary human PBL and can be adapted to high-throughput-screening.°z
To date the flow cytometry (FCM) industry is booming with new generations of commercial clinical
instruments. Long-term clinical studies have the dilemma that moving to new instruments being capable
of more complex cell-analysis makes it difficult to compare new data with those obtained on older
instruments with less complex analysis panels. Since 15 years we conduct follow-up studies on children
with congenital heart diseases. In this period we moved from 2- to
3- and now to 10-color FCM
immunophenotyping panels. Questions arise how to compare and transfer data from lower to higher
level of complexity.
Two comparable antibody panels for leukocyte immunophenotyping
(12-tube 2-colors, and 9-tube 4-colors) were measured on a BD FACScalibur FCM (calibration: Spherotech beads) in 19 blood samples from children with congenital heart disease. This increase of colors was accompanied by moving
antibodies that were in the 2-color panel either FITC or PE labeled to red dyes such as PerCP or APC.
Algorithms were developed for bridging data for quantitative characterization of antigen expression
(mean fluorescence intensity) and frequency of different cell subpopulations in combination with
rainbow bead standard data. This approach worked for the most relevant antibodies (CD3, CD4, CD8
etc.) well, but rendered substantial uncertainty for activation markers (CD69 etc.).
Our techniques are particularly well suited to the analysis in
long-term studies and have the potential to
compare older and recent results in a standardized way.
Introduction: Methylprednisolone (MP) is frequently preoperatively administered in children undergoing open
heart surgery. The aim of this medication is to inhibit overshooting immune responses. Earlier studies
demonstrated cellular and humoral immunological changes in pediatric patients undergoing heart surgeries with
and without MP administration.
Here in a retrospective study we investigated the modulation of the cellular immune response by MP. The aim
was to identify suitable parameters characterizing MP effects by cluster analysis.
Methods: Blood samples were analysed from two aged matched groups with surgical correction of septum defects.
Group without MP treatment consisted of 10 patients; MP was administered on 21 patients (median dose:
11mg/kg) before cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). EDTA anticoagulated blood was obtained 24 h preoperatively,
after anesthesia, at CPB begin and end (CPB2), 4h, 24h, 48h after surgery, at discharge and at out-patient followup
(8.2; 3.3-12.2 month after surgery; median and IQR). Flow cytometry showed the biggest MP relevant
changes at CPB2 and 4h postoperatively. They were used for clustering analysis. Classification was made by
discriminant analysis and cluster analysis by means of Genes@work software.
Results & conclusion: 146 parameters were obtained from analysis. Cross-validation revealed several parameters
being able to discriminate between MP groups and to identify immune modulation. MP administration resulted in
a delayed activation of monocytes, increased ratio of neutrophils, reduced T-lymphocytes counts. Cluster analysis
demonstrated that classification of patients is possible based on the identified cytomics parameters. Further
investigation of these parameters might help to understand the MP effects in pediatric open heart surgery.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are an essential part of the innate immune system that serves as a first line of
defense against invading pathogens. Recently, immunomodulatory activities of AMPs have begun to be
appreciated, implying the usefulness of AMPs in the treatment of infectious disease. The aim of this strategy is the
modulation of host immune responses to enhance clearance of infectious agents and reduce tissue damage due to
inflammation. Although AMPs could be used as therapeutic agents, a more detailed understanding of how they
affect host cells is needed. Hence, several AMPs have been investigated for their potential as a new class of
antimicrobial drugs in this study. Synthetic AMPs and AMPs of natural origin were tested on human leukocytes
by flow cytometry. Dose- and time-dependent cytotoxic effects could be observed by propidium iodide staining.
Different leukocyte subtypes seem to be susceptible to AMP treatment while others were not affected, even in
high concentrations. In conclusion, AMPs have an impact on host immune cells. However, their role in
stimulation of chemokine production and enhanced leukocyte recruitment remains a crucial aspect and further
studies are needed.
The latest development of commercial routine flow cytometers (FCM) is that they are equipped with three (blue, red,
violet) or more lasers and many PMT detectors. Nowadays routine clinical instruments are capable of detecting 10 or
more fluorescence colors simultaneously. Thereby, presenting opportunities for getting detailed information on the single
cell level for cytomics and systems biology for improve diagnostics and monitoring of patients. The University Leipzig
(Germany) recently started a cluster of excellence to study the molecular background of life style and environment
associated diseases, enrolling 25000 individuals (LIFE). To this end the most comprehensive FCM protocol has to be
developed for this study. We aimed to optimize fluorochrome and antibody combinations to the characteristics of the
instrument for successful 10-color FCM. Systematic review of issues related to sampling, preparation, instrument settings,
spillover and compensation matrix, reagent performance, and general principles of panel construction was performed.
10-color FCM enables for increased accuracy in cell subpopulation identification, the ability to obtain detailed
information from blood specimens, improved laboratory efficiency, and the means to consistently detect major and rare
cell populations. Careful attention to details of instrument and reagent performance allows for the development of panels
suitable for screening of samples from healthy and diseased donors. The characteristics of this technique are particularly
well suited for the analysis of broad human population cohorts and have the potential to reach the everyday practice in a
standardized way for the clinical laboratory.
In imaging and flow cytometry, DNA staining is a common trigger signal for cell identification. Selection of
the proper DNA dye is restricted by the hardware configuration of the instrument. The Zeiss Imaging Solutions
GmbH (München, Germany) introduced a new automated scanning fluorescence microscope - SFM (Axio
Imager.Z1) which combines fluorescence imaging with cytometric parameters measurement. The aim of the
study was to select optimal DNA dyes as trigger signal in leukocyte detection and subsequent cytometric
analysis of double-labeled leukocytes by SFM.
Seven DNA dyes (DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, POPO-3, PI,
7-AAD, and TOPRO-3) were tested and
found to be suitable for the implemented filtersets (fs) of the SFM (fs: 49, fs: 44, fs: 20). EDTA blood was
stained after erythrocyte lysis with DNA dye. Cells were transferred on microscopic slides and embedded in
fluorescent mounting medium. Quality of DNA fluorescence signal as well as spillover signals were analyzed
by SFM. CD45-APC and CD3-PE as well as CD4-FITC and CD8-APC were selected for immunophenotyping
and used in combination with Hoechst.
Within the tested DNA dyes DAPI showed relatively low spillover and the best CV value. Due to the low
spillover of UV DNA dyes a triple staining of Hoechst and APC and PE (or APC and FITC, respectively) could
be analyzed without difficulty. These results were confirmed by FCM measurements.
DNA fluorescence is applicable for identifying and triggering leukocytes in SFM analyses. Although some
DNA dyes exhibit strong spillover in other fluorescence channels, it was possible to immunophenotype
leukocytes. DAPI seems to be best suitable for use in the SFM system and will be used in protocol setups as
primary parameter.
Slide-based cytometry (SBC) leads to breakthrough in cytometry of cells in tissues, culture and
suspension. Carl Zeiss Imaging Solutions' new automated SFM combines imaging with cytometry.
A critical step in image analysis is selection of appropriate triggering signal to detect all objects.
Without correct target cell definition analysis is hampered. DNA-staining is among the most
common triggering signals. However, the majority of DNA-dyes yield massive spillover into other
fluorescence channels limiting their application. By microscopy objects of >5μm diameter can be
easily detected by phase-contrast signal (PCS) without any staining. Aim was to establish PCS -
triggering for cell identification.
Axio Imager.Z1 motorized SFM was used (high-resolution digital camera, AxioCam MRm;
AxioVision software: automatic multi-channel scanning, analysis). Leukocytes were stained with
FITC (CD4, CD8) and APC (CD3) labelled antibodies in combinations using whole blood method.
Samples were scanned in three channels (PCS/FITC/APC). Exposition-times for PCS were set as
low as possible; the detection efficiency was verified by fluorescence. CD45-stained leukocytes
were counted and compared to the number of PCS detected events. Leukocyte subtyping was
compared with other cytometers.
In focus the PCS of cells showed ring-form that was not optimal for cell definition. Out of focus
PCS allows more effective qualitative and quantitative cell analyses. PCS was an accurate triggering
signal for leukocytes enabling cell counting and discrimination of leukocytes from platelets.
Leukocyte subpopulation frequencies were comparable to those obtained by other cytometers. In
conclusion PCS is a suitable trigger-signal not interfering with fluorescence detection.
Flow cytometers (FCM) are built for particle measurements. In principle, concentration
measurement of a homogeneous solution is not possible with FCM due to the lack of a trigger
signal. In contrast to FCM slide based cytometry systems could act as tools for the measurement
of concentrations using volume defined cell counting chambers. These chambers enable to
analyze a well defined volume. Sensovation AG (Stockach, Germany) introduced an automated
imaging system that combines imaging with cytometric features analysis. Aim of this study was
to apply this imaging system to quantify the fluorescent molecule concentrations.
The Lumisens (Sensovation AG) slide-based technology based on fluorescence digital imaging
microscopy was used. The instrument is equipped with an inverted microscope, blue and red
LEDs, double band-pass filters and a high-resolution cooled 16-bit digital camera. The
instrument was focussed on the bottom of 400μm deep 6 chamber slides (IBIDI GmbH,
Martinsried, Germany) or flat bottom 96 well plates (Greiner Bio One GmbH, Frickenhausen,
Germany). Fluorescent solutions were imaged under 90% pixel saturation in a broad
concentration range (FITC: 0.0002-250 μg/ml, methylene blue (MethB): 0.0002-250 μg/ml).
Exposition times were recorded. Images were analysed by the iCys (CompuCyte Corp.,
Cambridge, MA, USA) image analysis software with the phantom contour function. Relative
fluorescence intensities were calculated from mean fluorescence intensities per phantom contours
divided by the exposition time.
Solution concentrations could be distinguished over a broad dynamic range of 3.5 to 5.5 decades
log (range FITC: 0.0002-31.25μg/ml, MethB: 0.0076-31.25μg/ml) with a good linear relationship
between dye concentration and relative fluorescence intensity. The minimal number of
fluorescent molecules per pixel as determined by the mean fluorescence intensity and the
molecular weight of the fluorochrome were about 800 molecules FITC and ~2.000 MethB.
The novel slide-based imaging system is suitable for detection of fluorescence differences over a
broad range of concentrations. This approach may lead to novel assays for measuring
concentration differences in cell free solutions and cell cultures e.g. in secretion assays.
Complex immunophenotyping single-cell analysis are essential for systems biology and cytomics.
The application of cytomics in immunology and cardiac research and diagnostics is very broad,
ranging from the better understanding of the cardiovascular cell biology to the identification of heart
function and immune consequences after surgery. TCPC or Fontan-type circulation is an accepted
palliative surgery for patients with a functionally univentricular heart. Protein-losing enteropathy
(PLE), the enteric loss of proteins, is a potential late complication after TCPC surgery. PLE etiology
is poorly understood, but immunological factors seem to play a role. This study was aimed to gain
insight into immune phenotype alterations following post-TCPC PLE. Patients were studied during
routine follow-up up to 5yrs after surgery, blood samples of TCPC patients without (n=21, age
6.8±2.6 years at surgery; mean±SD) and with manifest PLE (n=12, age 12.8± 4.5 years at sampling)
and age matched healthy children (control, n=22, age 8.6±2.5 years) were collected. Routine
laboratory, immune phenotype and serological parameters were determined. Following PLE the
immune phenotype dramatically changed with signs of acute inflammation (increased neutrophil and
monocyte count, CRP, IL-8). In contrast, lymphocyte count (NK-cells, αβTCR+CD4+, αβTCR+CD8+ cells) decreased (p<0.001). The residual T-cells had elevated CD25 and CD69
expression. In PLE-patients unique cell populations with CD3+αβ/γδTCR- and αβTCR+CD4-8-
phenotype were present in increased frequencies. Our studies show dramatically altered leukocyte
phenotype after PLE in TCPC patients. These alterations resemble to changes in autoimmune
diseases. We conclude that autoimmune processes may play a role in etiology and pathophysiology
of PLE.
Scanning Fluorescence Microscope (SFM) is a new technique for automated motorized microscopes to measure multiple fluorochrome labeled cells (Bocsi et al. Cytometry 2004, 61A:1). The ratio of CD4+/CD8+ cells is an important in immune diagnostics in immunodeficiency and HIV. Therefor a four-color staining protocol (DNA, CD3, CD4 and CD8) for automated SFM analysis of lymphocytes was developed. EDTA uncoagulated blood was stained with organic and inorganic (Quantum dots) fluorochromes in different combinations. Aliquots of samples were measured by Flow Cytometry (FCM) and SFM. By SFM specimens were scanned and digitized using four fluorescence filter sets. Automated cell detection (based on Hoechst 33342 fluorescence), CD3, CD4 and CD8 detection were performed, CD4/CD8 ratio was calculated. Fluorescence signals were well separable on SFM and FCM. Passing and Bablok regression of all CD4/CD8 ratios obtained by FCM and SFM (F(X)=0.0577+0.9378x) are in the 95% confidence interval. Cusum test did not show significant deviation from linearity (P>0.10). This comparison indicates that there is no systemic bias between the two different methods. In SFM analyses the inorganic Quantum dot staining was very stable in PBS in contrast to the organic fluorescent dyes, but bleached shortly after mounting with antioxidant and free radical scavenger mounting media. This shows the difficulty of combinations of organic dyes and Quantum dots. Slide based multi-fluorescence labeling system and automated SFM are applicable tools for the CD4/CD8 ratio determination in peripheral blood samples. Quantum Dots are stable inorganic fluorescence labels that may be used as reliable high resolution dyes for cell labeling.
There is a constant need for clinical diagnostic systems that enable to predict disease course for preventative medicine. Apoptosis, programmed cell death, is the end point of the cell's response to different induction and leads to changes in the cell morphology that can be rapidly detected by optical systems. We tested whether apoptosis of T-cells in the peripheral blood is useful as predictor and compared different preparation and analytical techniques. Surgical trauma is associated with elevated apoptosis of circulating leukocytes. Increased apoptosis leads to partial removal of immune competent cells and could therefore in part be responsible for reduced immune defence. Cardiovascular surgery with but not without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) induces transient immunosuppression. Its effect on T-cell apoptosis has not been shown yet. Flow-cytometric data of blood samples from 107 children (age 3-16 yr.) who underwent cardiac surgery with (78) or without (29) CPB were analysed. Apoptotic T-lymphocytes were detected based on light scatter and surface antigen (CD45/CD3) expression (ClinExpImmunol2000;120:454). Results were compared to staining with CD3 antibodies alone and in the absence of antibodies. T-cell apoptosis rate was comparable when detected with CD45/CD3 or CD3 alone, however not in the absence of CD3. Patients with but not without CPB surgery had elevated lymphocyte apoptosis. T-cell apoptosis increased from 0.47% (baseline) to 0.97% (1 day postoperatively). In CPB patients with complication 1.10% significantly higher (ANOVA p=0.01) comparing to CPB patients without complications. Quantitation of circulating apoptotic cells based on light scatter seems an interesting new parameter for diagnosis. Increased apoptosis of circulating lymphocytes and neutrophils further contributes to the immune suppressive response to surgery with CPB. (Support: MP, Deutsche Herzstiftung, Frankfurt, Germany)
Proliferation/apoptosis balance is an important information in gastrointestinal ulcerative and malignant diseases. Immunohistochemical staining and visual counting is routine procedure. Recently we reported a new scanning fluorescence technique for automated motorized microscopes (SFM). Development of triple fluorescent labeling method for proliferating/apoptotic/resting cells and application of SFM for the automated analysis and counting on gastric biopsy specimen. Routine antral biopsy specimens by gastroscopy were fresh frozen and 5 micron sections were prepared. Proliferation was detected using a PCNA antibody, anti-mouse-biotin and streptavidin-Texas-Red labeling system. Apoptotic cells was labeled using the TUNEL reaction with FITC bound nucleotids. DAPI nuclear counter staining was applied. Labeled sections were scanned and digitized in the three fluorescent channels. SFM was modified to detect epithelial surface, glands in the biopsy specimen. Automated nuclei detection, PCNA and TUNEL detection was performed, ratio was calculated. In parallel standard biopsies were labeled with PCNA and AEC. TUNEL reaction was performed. Up to 1000 epithelial cells were manually counted. The mean PCNA labeling in healthy samples were 45,3±12,4%, that significantly increased to 56.4±8.7% in H. Pylori positive cases. Positive TUNEL reaction was found in 2,9±1,1% in H. pylori negative cases, while in the H. Pylori positive cases the apoptotic ratio was significantly increased (14.1±3.2%, p<0.05). Significant correlation in apoptosis/proliferation ratio between the SFM and routine methods could be observed (p<0,05). SFM procedure proved to be more time efficient both in labeling, both in detection procedures. Triple fluorescent labeling and automated fluorescence microscopy is an applicable tool for the proliferation, apoptosis determination in fresh frozen samples.
Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) is performed by flow cytometry (FCM) as the golden standard. Slide based cytometry systems for example laser scanning cytometer (LSC) can give additional information (repeated staining and scanning, morphology). In order to adequately judge on the clinical usefulness of immunophenotyping by LSC it is obligatory to compare it with the long established FCM assays. We performed this study to systematically compare the two methods, FCM and LSC for immunophenotyping and to test the correlation of the results. Leucocytes were stained with directly labeled monoclonal antibodies with whole blood staining method. Aliquots of the same paraformaldehyde fixed specimens were analyzed in a FACScan (BD-Biosciences) using standard protocols and parallel with LSC (CompuCyte) after placing to glass slide, drying and fixation by aceton and 7-AAD staining. Calculating the percentage distribution of PBLs obtained by LSC and by FCM shows very good correlation with regression coefficients close to 1.0 for the major populations (neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes), as well as for the lymphocyte sub-populations (T-helper-, T-cytotoxic-, B-, NK-cells). LSC can be recommended for immunophenotyping of PBLs especially in cases where only very limited sample volumes are available or where additional analysis of the cells’ morphology is important. There are limitations in the detection of rare leucocytes or weak antigens where appropriate amplification steps for immunofluorescence should be engaged.
Automated quantitative (i.e. stochiometric) analysis of tissues is of eminent importance in the understanding of all interactions between cells in their natural environment. In tissue cytometry a solid trigger is necessary in order to unequivocally differentiate between cellular and non-cellular events. This can be best performed by nuclear staining. Aim of this study was to analyze a brain tissue section by laser scanning cytometry (LSC) in order to depict the threedimensional distribution of nuclei in the tissue. To this end the section was measured in several foci and different nuclei detected in several depths of the tissue were assigned to the respective layer. Frozen sections of formalin-fixed rat or human brain tissue (120μm thickness) were incubated with propidiumiodide (PI) (50μg/ml) and covered on slides. For analysis by the LSC propidiumiodide was used as trigger. After a first analysis focussed on the top of the tissue, the focus was adjusted in 30μm steps deeper into the tissue. Per analysis data of at least 50,000 cells were acquired. After finishing measurements from all depths of the field were merged, i.e. data were combined into a composite data file.
With the special features of the LSC it was possible to develop a method depicting the threedimensional distribution of the nuclei in solid tissue sections. LSC can be useful tool for this relatively new field of solid tissue cytometry termed tissomics. After evaluation of methods like this, so far not available data can be analysed for diagnostic purposes. By these studies we intend to demonstrate the power of the LSC for the routine pathological use. This should add up to the bright versatility of applications for the LSC as a cytometric instrument suitable for high throughput and high content analysis.
For immunophenotypic analysis more measurable parameters for the discrimination of leukocyte subsets are necessary. With a single scan six fluorochromes can be distinguished with the Laser Scanning Cytometer (LSC). Due to the number of PMTs the amount of simultaneously measurable fluorescences per scan is limited. Nevertheless, the amount of measurable colors can be improved to eight by appropriate change of the filter settings and two scans per specimen. Aim of this study was to use the special features of Slide based Cytometry (SBC) beyond filter change, remeasurement and merging to distinguish fluorochromes with similar emission spectra. The photosensitivity of fluorochromes that are excited and emit in a similar wavelength range may be very different. The number of measurable parameters per PMT was increased using photosensitivity of different fluorochromes as additional criteria. Peripheral blood leukocytes were stained with antibodies conjugated to the fluorochromes APC, APC-Cy5.5 and Alexa-Fluor 633 and mounted on conventional uncoated glass slides with Fluorescence mounting medium. Specimens were excited in the LSC with the HeNe (633nm) Laser and measured at different filter settings (670/20nm-filter for APC/ALEXA 633 and 710/20nm-filter for APC-Cy5.5). At this point, APC-Cy5.5 and APC/ALEXA633 were already distinguishable. In order to differentiate between APC and ALEXA633 photobleaching was performed by repeated excitation with the laser at 633nm. Control measurements proved that APC is much more sensitive against laser excitation, i.e. looses much more fluorescence intensity than ALEXA633. The separate measurements (before/after filter change and before/after bleaching) were merged into one file. The photostability of Alexa-Fluor 633 (1.02% bleach per scan) and APC (5.74% bleach per scan) are substantially different. Therefore, after bleaching and merging both fluorochromes can be distinguished and are regarded by the software as separate parameters. The fluorochromes APC/ALEXA633 and APC-Cy5.5 can be discriminated by changing the emission filters before bleach. By sequential photobleaching, change of filters and subsequent merging of the data the number of simultaneously measurable “colors” is substantially increased.
In neurons of patients with Alzheimers's disease (AD) signs of cell cycle re-entry as well as polyploidy have been reported, indicating that the entire or a part of the genome of the neurons is duplicated before its death but mitosis is not initiated so that the cellular DNA content remains tetraploid. It was concluded, that this imbalance is the direct cause of the neuronal loss in AD3. Manual counting of polyploidal cells is possible but time consuming and possibly statistically insufficient. The aim of this study was to develop an automated method that detects the neuronal DNA content abnormalities with Laser Scanning Cytometry (LSC). Frozen sections of formalin-fixed brain tissue of AD patients and control subjects were labelled with anti-cyclin B and anti-NeuN antibodies. Immunolabelling was performed using Cy5- and Cy2-conjugated secondary antibodies and biotin streptavidin or tyramid signal amplification. In the end sections of 20µm thickness were incubated with propidium iodide (PI) (50μg/ml) and covered on slides. For analysis by the LSC PI was used as trigger. Cells identified as neurons by NeuN expression were analyzed for cyclin B expression. Per specimen data of at least 10,000 neurons were acquired. In the frozen brain sections an automated quantification of the amount of nuclear DNA is possible with LSC. The DNA ploidy as well as the cell cycle distribution can be analyzed. A high number of neurons can be scanned and the duration of measuring is shorter than a manual examination. The amount of DNA is sufficiently represented by the PI fluorescence to be able to distinguish between eu- and polyploid neurons.
Background: Slide based cytometry (SBC) is a technology for the rapid stoichiometric analysis of cells fixed to surfaces. Its applications are highly versatile and ranges from the clinics to high throughput drug discovery. SBC is realized in different instruments such as the Laser Scanning Cytometer (LSC) and Scanning Fluorescent Microscope (SFM) and the novel inverted microscope based iCyte image cytometer (Compucyte Corp.). Methods: Fluorochrome labeled specimens were immobilized on microscopic slides. They were placed on a conventional fluorescence microscope and analyzed by photomultiplayers or digital camera. Data comparable to flow cytometry were generated. In addition, each individual event could be visualized. Applications: The major advantage of instruments is the combination of two features: a) the minimal sample volume needed, and b) the connection of fluorescence data and morphological information. Rare cells were detected, frequency of apoptosis by myricetin formaldehyde and H2O2 mixtures was determined;. Conclusion: LSC, SFM and the novel iCyte have a wide spectrum of applicability in SBC and can be introduced as a standard technology for multiple settings. In addition, the iCyte and SFM instrument is suited for high throughput screening by automation and may be in future adapted to telepathology due to their high quality images. (This study was supported by the IZKF-Leipzig, Germany and T 034245 OTKA, Hungary)
Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) can induce severe post-operative immune responses. During CPB loss of activated lymphocytes from the peripheral blood (PBL) was observed. We investigated if PBL get lost by binding to the CPB or by migration into the peripheral tissue and if the cells adhere selectively to different filter types. PBL were collected before, during and after surgery of pediatric patients and from the filters of the CPB by washing. Immunophenotype was determined by four color flow cytometry (FCM). In addition, PBL adhesion to CPB was analyzed in vitro. During surgery, B-cell counts decreased by greater than 50% due to the loss of CD69+ cells. The fraction of CD25+ and CD54+ T-lymphocytes decreased by 70%, that of CD69+ natural killer cells by 40%. In vivo in the CPB the proportion of CD69+ cells increased by up to 50%. These findings were supported by in vitro filtration studies. In contrast, the proportion of T-lymphocytes CD25+ or CD54+ were lower in the CPB. CD69+ cells adhere selectively to CPB filters. Loss of activated CD25+ or CD54+ T-lymphocytes could be due to their selective migration into the peripheral tissue. This FCM technique could be applied to test various filter types used in CPB in order to test their biocompatibility.
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