In the THz/mm-wave, the greatest challenge to real-time active imaging was previously the lack of compact sensor arrays. INO has overcome this by optimizing its microbolometer focal plane array (originally developed for the infrared) for the longer wavelengths, covering both the THz and mm-wave bands. The remaining challenge for active imaging is how to obtain useful imagery using coherent sources. INO has been working on improving the quality of the illumination beam over the past few years, as well as designing high quality fast imaging optics. This paper will focus on the different techniques that have been tested across the THz and into the mm-wave bands in both transmission and reflection imaging modes. The impact on image quality will be demonstrated, and their implications to developing useful systems for different applications will be discussed.
INO is also involved in this activity mainly for the infrared and the THz wavebands. In the infrared band a detector with 17 um pixel pitch, larger than the pixel, was used in conjunction with a microscanning device to oversample the image at a pitch much smaller than the wavelength. In this case the pixel size is in the order of the wavelength but the sampling is at subwavelength level. In the THz band a 35 um pixel pitch is used at wavelength ranging from 70 um to 1,063 mm to perform imaging through various objects. In this case, the pixel itself is smaller than the wavelength.
Subwavelength imaging is not without its challenges, though. For instance, while the use of ultra-fast optics provides better definition, their design becomes more challenging as the models used are at their very limits. Questions about information content of images can be raised as well. New research avenues are being investigated to help address the challenges of subwavelength imaging with the goal of achieving higher imaging system performance. This paper discusses aspects to be considered, review some results obtained and identify some of the key issues to be further addressed.
Synthetic aperture lidar can be lightweight and offers centimeter-range resolution. Onboard airplane or unmanned air vehicle this technology would allow for timelier reconnaissance.
INO has developed a synthetic aperture radar table prototype and further used a real-time optronic processor to fulfill image generation on-demand. The early positive results using both technologies are presented in this paper.
Synthetic aperture lidar (SAL) is based on the same basic principles as SAR. Both rely on the acquisition of multiple electromagnetic echoes to emulate a large antenna aperture providing the ability to produce high resolution images. However, in SAL, much shorter optical wavelengths (1.5 μm) are used instead of radar ones (wavelengths around 3 cm). Resolution being related to the wavelength, multiple orders of magnitude of improvement could be theoretically expected. Also, the sources, the detector, and the components are much smaller in optical domain than those for radar. The resulting system can thus be made compact opening the door to deployment onboard small satellites, airborne platforms and unmanned air vehicles. This has a strong impact on the time required to develop, deploy and use a payload. Moreover, in combination with airborne deployment, revisit times can be made much smaller and accessibility to the information can become almost in real-time. Over the last decades, studies from different groups have been done to validate the feasibility of a SAL system for 2D imagery and more recently for 3D static target imagery.
In this paper, an overview of the advantages of this emerging technology will be presented. As well, simulations and laboratory demonstrations of deformation mapping using a tabletop synthetic aperture lidar system operated at 1.5 μm are reviewed. The transmitter and receptor of the fiber-based system are mounted on a translation stage which move at a constant speed relatively to the target (sand) located 25 cm away. The change in the 3D profile of the target is thereafter monitored with sub-millimeter precision using the multiple-pass SAL system. Results obtained with a SAL laboratory prototype are reviewed along with the potential applications for Earth observation.
Advances in infrared (IR) detector technologies over the last decade have led to compact low-cost thermal imaging systems that have become almost ubiquitous. They are now used in such market applications as automotive, security and construction. Terahertz (THz) imagers can take advantage of the state-of-the-art in the infrared domain to reduce their size and cost. Such an example is the IRXCAM-THz-384 Terahertz camera whose electronics core is based on the IRXCAM camera core and whose detector has been specifically designed and optimized for the THz. The 384 x 288 35- micron-sized pixel detectors of both cameras are uncooled microbolometers. A micro-electronics core is currently being developed for both platforms that will yield ultra-compact IR and THz cameras.
While IR systems are passive and thus do not require an illumination source, the THz system does. Thus, the THz source must be included when talking about overall imaging system size and cost. There are a wide variety of THz sources, from quantum cascade lasers on the optical side of the radiation spectrum to different types of diodes on the electromagnetic micro-wave side. When considering a source for a given application, the output wavelength, output power, size, weight and cost are primary factors that must be taken into account.
This paper presents a description of a compact real-time imaging system at 750 μm wavelength. An overview of the motivation for the wavelength choice is discussed, a description of the imaging components is given and finally image results are presented.
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